Their stall finally welcomed its first customer , a female teacher .

” Bring me a leek stuffing . ”

” Okay . ”

Qin Ye agreed .

He is in charge of making pancakes, and Jiang Hao is in charge of the fight !

The female teacher looked at the three of them and became a little curious .

” I remember that the original stall owners weren’t the three of you, right ?”

” Hmmmm . ”

Mu Shishi nodded , they had already figured out the reason : ” That’s our uncle , we have something to do today , we will help them . ”

The female teacher looked strange .

A pancake stand , don’t go out if you have something to do , and still ask future generations to help ?

However .

She didn’t think much about it, she waited for Qin Ye to make a pancake and handed it to him .

” Five dollars apiece , thank you . ”

female teacher scanned the QR code to pay , but the pancakes were eaten while walking .

“The taste is not as authentic as before !”

she murmured .

Fortunately , Qin Ye and the three of them didn’t hear it, otherwise they would definitely be hit like this .

With the increase in the flow of people, the business of the pancake stall has gradually improved !

But the reputation …

As Qin Ye had expected , the techniques he learned in one day could not produce the original taste .

Many classmates have the feeling of being deceived !

Finally .

At nine o’clock , there were no customers in front of the pancake stand .

The three took stock of the spoils .

” Brother Ye , we have sold more than 7 in total. At this rate , the task may be completed by the noon rush hour . ”

Mu Shishi said happily .

” Hmm . ”

Qin Ye nodded , feeling a little fulfilled in his heart .

school .

” Mr. Li , you said that Xiao Qin will go back to school today ? Is it true ?

Why is there no news yet ? ”

A teacher asked curiously .

Teacher Li nodded and said , ” Of course it’s true . I guess the program team has not made any arrangements yet !”

He also smiled reassuringly .

Finally, I can see Qin Ye, the proud disciple again .

He was also entrusted by the school to contact Qin Ye and invite him to come to the school to record the show !

” Xiao Qin is really good . I took my daughter to watch ” Once Upon a Time ” last time , and she told me after she went back that she should study hard and not let the motherland be bullied by foreigners again . ”

A teacher laughed .

” Haha , of course , it doesn’t matter which university and which major the students are trained . ”

Several people are a little proud .

, Teacher Li smiled even more !

At this time , a teacher suggested : ” How about you ask the program team ? Where are they ?”

They are also looking forward to the return of this Uranus student to school .

Teacher Li thought about it and said , ” I’d better ask Xiao Qin directly . ”

He picked up the phone and gave Qin Ye a message of prestige .

Before long , he put down his phone in a daze .

” What’s the matter ? Is Xiao Qin here ?”

Teacher Li came back to his senses and said , ” He said it’s been a long time . ”

ah ?

Several teachers were dumbfounded .

” Is n’t it right ? Why is there no movement at school when Xiao Qin comes back ?”

A teacher wondered .

” I don’t know , why don’t we go and see near the school ?”

” It happens that my class is in the afternoon , let ‘s go together ?”

Several teachers discussed it .

Just go outside !

Chapter 244 ” Waiting for your class ” ! You can’t set up a stall without any talent !

on the stall .

As it approached noon , the traffic increased .

Several people are full of confidence !

Mu Shishi’s part-time job took on the important task of [ chuckles ] .

A boy walked towards this side , but was immediately pulled by his roommate .

” Don’t go !” the roommate shouted .

” Why are you pulling me ? Do n’t we eat that one often ? It’s delicious !”

The boy wondered .

” That house has changed . I heard from a friend that there were three newcomers . He bought one in the morning and didn’t finish it . ”

Roommates persuade .

” Ah ? Well , then forget it , hey , I don’t know what to eat !”

The boy was troubled .

Qin Ye and the three listened to their conversation , their faces darkened .

Especially Qin Ye , he is the main force of this pancake !

Mu Shishi wanted to laugh , but held back , and instead comforted : ” Brother Ye, it’s okay , they don’t know the goods !”

Qin Ye glared at her .

That’s it .

three of them continued to work hard . Occasionally, one or two guests came to visit and the lunch time was almost over , but they only sold more than ten !

If it goes on like this , I am afraid it will be difficult to complete the task .

More importantly , a junior ate a few bites and threw it into the trash can next to them in front of them .

What a blatant humiliation !

Self-esteem hurt !

Qin Ye is a little confused , is it that bad to cook by himself ?

He made one and tasted it himself .

” It’s not going to be lost directly, is it ?”

He was a little speechless .

I can only say that the two previous uncles and aunts made it so delicious that some old customers couldn’t get used to his cooking !

Some good business vendors next to them occasionally cast their gazes , and their hearts are overjoyed !

before .

This stall business is the best and makes them all very jealous .

Now seeing these three new comers , they are so cool !

” Hey , I hope these three young men screw up this stall , and business will be much better in the future . ”

A boss who sells fried food said sullenly .

“I heard that there was an accident at the owner’s house . I hope it will be transferred like this . ”

A boss nearby laughed .

They are all competitors in this place , and of course the worse the opponent, the better .

suddenly .

that made them gloat over the misfortunes played two guitars , attracting the attention of all the vendors and students !

Some people looked towards that place unconsciously .

” I’m going , what are these people doing ? Business is not good , do you want to show your talent ?”

” Haha , this is a street art ? It’s very interesting !”

Some students gathered around .

Saw the pancake guy tuning the guitar .

” Boss , can you play the guitar ?”

Someone yelled .

Mu Shishi quickly started her public relations work and said proudly, ” Our big brother used to study music and can play everything . ”

Huh …

The surrounding students looked suspicious .

” I don’t believe it, do you have the ability to play ” Qilixiang ” ? ”

” Hahahahaha !”

The students all laughed .

” This classmate has a good suggestion . One of the representative songs of senior Qin Ye. Even if you can play it , I will buy one to support it . ”

Someone yelled .

The atmosphere immediately became lively .

Seeing the classmates in their booth keep rushing towards that booth , they were dumbfounded .

This young man is too ignorant of martial arts !

Qin Ye didn’t know the little Jiujiu in their hearts , and said with a smile , ” I can play ” Qilixiang ” , but I can’t !”

” Cut !”

” Huh !”

Various provocative voices sounded , but they did not leave .

Want to see if this newcomer has two brushes !

Qin Ye didn’t care , but said , ” I’m playing a game with everyone here . If anyone can guess what song I’m playing , I’ll invite everyone to eat pancakes for free . If you can’t guess , how about you take care of the business ?”

His words made the audience boil !

Anyone can afford pancakes , but this game is a lot of fun .

” Boss , don’t be fooled !”

” As long as one person guesses what song it is , will you treat the guest to eat for free? Say it clearly . ”

” Yeah , don’t play with words . ”

” Also , if it’s a Chinese song , if you find an unpopular foreign song , we will definitely not be able to guess it ! If you want to find an unpopular Chinese song, so many of us can’t guess it , so we will recognize it !”

Qin Ye nodded with a smile .

” No problem . ”

oh oh oh !

” Classmates , let’s teach this young boss a lesson . ”

” Come to class !”

In an instant , there were more and more people in this small booth .

The director team, who was hiding in a house to observe, was stunned .

” Director Huang , what does Teacher Qin mean ?” the assistant wondered .

Director Huang frowned , thought for a while, and said a little uncertainly : ” He’s not going to sing a new song for next night, right ?”

Everyone was surprised .

It seems that there is such a possibility , otherwise why do you think so many people can’t guess it ?

it is impossible for them to stop it .

can only laugh bitterly , just sing as soon as I sing , anyway, the accompaniment at night will have a different effect !

And the scene .



Qin Ye took a deep breath , sat on the stool, and fiddled with his guitar fingers .

beautiful and warm melody sounded , making everyone stunned .

” Wow , this boss plays really well . ”

” Good guy , do you need this level of stalls now ?”

” It’s really nice , but does anyone know which song it is ?”

” Ghost knows , never heard of it !”

All the students were dumbfounded .

The director team, including the backstage, was also dumbfounded .

” This doesn’t seem to be a song to be sung at night ? Could it be that Qin Caizi improvised it ?”

they exclaimed .

site .

After playing for more than a minute , Qin Ye said with a smile , ” Did you guess it, my classmates ?”

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