"Young girl, maidservants know their identity and won't cling to powerful men." Su Xier said slowly.

What she said is the truth. Blindly clinging will only increase the sense of insecurity. It is the safest to hold everything in her hands by herself.

"You're very knowledgeable. As long as you do this, I won't embarrass you. You don't have to stay here and go back to your house to have a rest." the young girl snorted, and then went to the cabinet in the house.

Su Xi'er watched her open the cabinet door. Like situ Li, she was looking for something.

Are you looking for cloth? This piece of cloth is embroidered with a leaf and written with the word Yun.

"Hurry back and why are you looking at me!" the young girl looked at her with disdain.

"Young girl, look for it slowly. The maidservant will go back now." Su Xier said and raised her feet to get out of the house.

Just a few steps away, I heard a roar from behind, "who said I was looking for something? Take care of your mouth, otherwise, I want you to look good!"

Su Xier turned around and smiled, "it's not looking for something. It seems that young girl likes it here. Why don't you rest here?" then she directly raised her feet and left without paying any attention to young girl.

Miss Qing represents King Hao. It is estimated that what she is looking for is cloth. Situ Li is also looking for it.

This piece of cloth will not be as simple as the surface. Now it is in her hand. She should keep it well. Maybe it can be used in the future.

On her way back to the house, Su Xier saw many palace maids in yeting. They all looked at themselves with frightened eyes.

"Oh, my God, she's so lucky. She came back intact!"

"Yes, the palace maid who goes there will die. It's incredible!"

The palace maids were surprised and watched Su Xier go away. Each palace maiden felt that yeting began to become different. Maybe something big would happen in the future.

When she was about to get to the house, Su Xier saw mammy Zhao. It was daytime and the working maid was next to her. In front of people, she always has to act.

So she saluted respectfully, "mother Zhao."

Mother Zhao snorted coldly and lowered her voice, "don't pretend to me. When you threaten me, it's cruel! You are no longer a obedient lamb in my eyes. Now, I dare not call you."

"I'm just cleaning the night pot." Su Xi'er replied faintly.

Mother Zhao was cold in her eyes. She didn't say a word and directly shook her sleeve and left.

Looking at the back of mother Zhao, Su Xier's eyes changed slightly, and she must be removed as soon as possible.

The red chestnut standing in the distance saw that mother Zhao left, immediately went to Su Xier, patted her, and whispered, "Su Xier, mother Zhao began to repel me. She didn't let me serve her food and daily life. Let me monitor you."

"Then you should keep an eye on her and convey some words to her." then she went to the house.

Red chestnut immediately followed, and now she was completely on Su Xier's side. It's all up to this man to get out of yeting.

As soon as they arrived at the door, Su Xier immediately noticed something wrong. Someone was in the house!

Red chestnut didn't notice it and felt strange. Why don't you push the door in?

"Red chestnut, I want to have a good rest and brush the night pot at night." Su Xier pretended to be very tired, and red chestnut immediately worried.

"You can't break down. Now we're on the same boat."

"I know. You go back first."

Hongli nodded, turned and left.

Su Xier looked at the white ash trampled in front of the door. Although this room was not her exclusive, the other three palace maids basically lived at night, and she had to brush the nightpot at night. The sleeping time was wrong with these palace maids.

Yeting also has rules. During work, all palace maids can't go back to the house to rest, except under special circumstances.

Therefore, if she goes out during the day, she will sprinkle white ash in front of the door and be trampled, someone must go in.

Moreover, the footprints are very big. It must be a man who went in!

Yeting is full of women. Where are the men?

Su Xi'er carefully pushed open the door. With a creak, the door was pushed open.

Just then, a white bead came straight to her forehead. She turned quickly and avoided the bead.

The beads fell to the ground and flashed brilliantly in the sunshine.

From the color, she knew that the bead was valuable.

"If you like, I'll give you this bead." a low man's voice sounded with full authority.

Su Xier's heart was cold. In her room was king Hao!

She bent down to pick up the bead and closed the door. "I can't ask for it. Thank you for your kindness."

Pei Qianhao raised his lips, "what you get for your life is yours."

If she couldn't hide just now, the bead would be right in the forehead. His strength is not small, and he might break a hole.

"King Hao, did your servant do something wrong? Why did you kill your servant?" Su Xi'er looked up at her with proper etiquette and alienation in her voice.

"The king needs a reason to do things?" Pei Qianhao glanced at her and looked around the house.

"Four maids live in a small humble house. It's crowded. You live alone, almost." he muttered to himself, which made Su Xier very confused.

What's his business where she lives? He just took her life with beads.

"This bead was taken from Xiliu and sold. You don't have to worry about it all your life." Pei Qianhao looked at the house and his eyes fell on the bead she had put on the table.

"I'm a maid in waiting to wash the night pot. I can't use such precious beads. There are many concubines in King Hao's beauty palace..." Pei Qianhao interrupted before he finished.

"Do you want the king to reward them?" Pei Qianhao smiled sarcastically. "They are all despicable women, unworthy."

Su Xi'er clattered. Those women didn't deserve it. Why did she deserve it?

"What's the relationship between you and the third prince?" Pei Qianhao approached her, pinched her chin and raised it.

Looking at her so closely, he had to admit that she was beautiful. Even though he had seen many beautiful women and had already had resistance, she still brightened his eyes.

He doesn't know how to describe those eyes. She is not old, but these eyes make him feel that she has experienced a lot.

"My maidservant has been in yeting and never left. How can I know the third prince?"

"Then why does he protect you? He's not a beauty lover."

Su Xier wanted to answer him. Do you think everyone is the same as you? When you see a beautiful woman, you go to the beauty palace.

However, of course she wouldn't say that. Now she's fighting against King Hao, that's to die.

"The maidservant dare not guess the prince's mind. King Hao can directly ask the third prince."

Pei Qianhao's eyes became deep, like a deep pool, bottomless and full of danger.

"Bold!" then he squeezed her chin heavily and pushed her to the table. He could not help but put the beads into a small groove beside the wall.

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