Beimin Taiyi's mind was sharp. He began to explore yeting so soon, and pointed directly at the woods next to yeting.

Mother Liu's eyes fell on Su Xier, "you go back to the house to have a rest. Don't come out at other times except for eating. Go to brush the nightpot on time in the evening."

Speaking of nightpots, Su Xier felt strange, so she asked directly, "the number of nightpots has decreased a lot recently. Are there other palace maids who brush nightpots?"

Mother Liu was surprised when she heard that she had never counted the number of overnight pots. How could it be reduced?

However, there is no mistake in the number of night pots sent.

"You can rest assured that even if the number is wrong, it is also the responsibility of those eunuchs."

Su Xier always felt something was wrong. Would someone tell her to reduce the number of nightpots? Pei Qianhao? Do you think too much?

Seeing that Su Xier looked wrong, Mammy Liu wondered. Just as she was about to speak, the door was knocked and the voice of the eunuch came.

"Sister Liu, doctor Zhao ordered the slave to call you, go to the woods next to yeting, and take the maids pulling grass there." mother Liu's eyelids jumped. Is there something wrong with the maids of the Huanyi Bureau related to yeting? Not only asked her to go, but also asked several other maids to pull weeds.

A total of five palace maids pull weeds, plus Su Xier, who later joined, a total of six. But now Forsythia has been assigned to the Huanyi Bureau, and only five are still in yeting.

Mother Liu looked at Su Xier and said, "follow me, and then you can go back to the house and have a rest."

From beginning to end, Liu mammy did not connect Su Xier with the Huanyi Bureau.

They quickly left the room. The eunuch outside the door saluted mammy Liu.

After that, Su Xier followed mammy Liu and called the rest of the grass pulling maids, while Hong Li was making medicine.

After hearing this, Hongli's face changed. What does the doctor want to ask?

"Red chestnut, go, what are you doing?" mother Liu frowned unhappily.

Hongli immediately got up and followed. From time to time she looked at Su Xier and wanted to talk, but she didn't know how to say it. After all, she had red spots before.

Several people went to the woods next to yeting. When Su Xier looked, doctor Zhao took a piece of cloth with a straw pole on it and was looking at it carefully.

The eunuch saluted to doctor Zhao and said respectfully, "people have brought you."

Zhao Taiyi nodded gently, still staring at the straw pole. After a while, he wrapped the straw pole with a cloth and looked at the lady in charge of pulling the grass.

Su Xier looked at Zhao Taiyi. His eyes turned from time to time, with silk examination and sharp.

After a while, doctor Zhao's voice sounded a little hoarse, "which palace maid is responsible for pulling the grass here?"

Red chestnut trembled and trembled, "it's a slave."

Doctor Zhao's eyes fell on Hong Li. "Did you have any red spots on your body when pulling grass? Did you itch? It's all right now?"

"Back to the imperial doctor, the maidservant had red spots and itching. But now it's all right. Just wash yourself."

Zhao Taiyi obviously didn't believe Hongli's words. "This kind of grass has barbs. The medical book clearly says that this kind of grass is called Xiangcao. If the grass rod is contaminated with the skin, it will cause discomfort. If it is excessively contaminated, it will be inflamed, red and swollen."

Hearing the doubt in Zhao Taiyi's words, Hong Li was so frightened that she knelt down immediately, "the maid will be fine after washing her body."

Doctor Zhao suspected that even kneeling was useless. He waved his hand directly and ordered the other two eunuchs to "take this maid away."

The eunuch came forward immediately to catch the red chestnut.

Zhao Taiyi didn't report to the house of internal affairs, and the status of the Imperial Palace was general, but he directly came to yeting to arrest people, and he was only suspicious for a moment.

Mother Liu couldn't keep her face, so she had to stop it.

Who could have thought that at this time, Su Xier took the lead to speak, "doctor Zhao, the maid has also pulled grass in this place. But there are no red spots or itching on her body."

Doctor Zhao frowned. His judgment would not go wrong. So he immediately said firmly, "this kind of grass will not make mistakes. Since you have touched this grass, take it back for review."

Then a eunuch came towards Su Xier.

Su Xi'er pretended to be helpless and said, "OK, I'll go with you."

Doctor Zhao looked dignified, "a helpless look. Why, do I suspect I'm wrong?"

Liu mammy couldn't help but directly questioned, "yeting has just been transferred ten palace maids. Now Doctor Zhao has no evidence, so she suspects yeting palace maids and was taken away again. The old slave needs to ask the interior government for instructions. Yeting lacks palace maids and needs to recruit some in."

Doctor Zhao didn't expect that mammy Liu would speak in such a cruel voice, but her tone softened at the thought that she was the emperor's wet nurse.

"Just take it away for examination. There is residual powder on the edge of the water tank of the Huanyi Bureau. After careful investigation, it is the powder made of this kind of Xiang grass. Yeting happens to have this kind of grass. I doubt it's common sense. Even if mammy tells Wang Hao, it's useless. Come on, take it away."

Su Xi'er was silent. When the eunuch wanted to catch her, she immediately said, "I'll go by myself."

The eyes could not help but fall on the eunuch. It was cold and cold. The eunuch was shocked and trembled all over.

The kneeling red chestnut saw Su Xier walking forward and immediately followed up. As long as Su Xier was there, she was reassured.

Zhao Taiyi looked at Su Xier's back and thought deeply.

After that, he asked mammy Liu, "what's the name of the maid in waiting?"

Mother Liu hummed coldly along the direction of Zhao Taiyi's hand, "her name is Su Xier. Zhao Taiyi catches people and takes care of the maid's name?"

"Mammy, don't be angry. When they find out, they will go back to yeting." with that, doctor Zhao raised his feet and walked forward.

The news that Su Xier and Hong Li were caught spread all over yeting in an instant. Mammy Liu was very clever and deliberately let it go to court.

When the news came into Pei Qianhao's ears, he had just walked out of the Dragon hall.

Wu Ling happened to come this way. When he saw queen Hao, he bowed and saluted. "King Hao, just after his subordinates had handled the matter of the Huanyi Bureau, they heard the news. The Empress Dowager went to the beauty palace to transfer 72 beauties to the Huanyi bureau to wash their clothes."

Pei Qianhao replied casually, "this king has long known this and let her go."

"What if the Empress Dowager really transferred the beauty to the Huanyi bureau?" Wu Ling was a little worried.

"If the king doesn't intervene in this matter, others will intervene."

Wu Ling looks at King Hao and doesn't care about it. Why don't you talk about Su Xier? So he spoke again, "Hao Wang and Su Xier were taken away by doctor Zhao and suspected to have something to do with the Huanyi Bureau."

Then he immediately went to observe King Hao's look.

However, Pei Qianhao's face remained unchanged. "The king went to see the three bodyguards who were knocked out last night." then he went forward.

Wu Ling looked at King Hao's back. The people who sneaked into the Huanyi bureau last night must have something to do with the accident in the Huanyi Bureau. Before sneaking in, he knocked out three bodyguards. King Hao asked the bodyguard himself. He must be tracking down the real troublemaker.

For Susie? Want to clear her suspicion as soon as possible? Does King Hao really hide this mind? No

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