When she found it, Liu Yinyin was already walking in the LongQian palace, leading to Ning Lianchen's sleeping palace.

She doesn't want to come here at all. She can't sleep, empty her head and walk at will.

But this time, I came here.

As before, he was not used to keeping bodyguards on duty. Because of this, she was so easy to slip into the hall before.

Ben is the one to leave. She shouldn't have come here.

So Liu Yinyin's footsteps turned and he was about to leave.

However, a woman's soft voice came, and her steps froze.

"Your Majesty, I will serve you."

Then, a voice similar to stripping sounded.

Liu Yinyin looked indifferent, but she unconsciously held her hands hidden in her sleeves.

Like the palace maids, the emperor is vigorous and vigorous, and there are no women around him.

Even if Fang lingdang isn't there, women like this grab one at a time in the palace.

As at this moment, if you refuse, the hall should not be so quiet. Obviously, the emperor accepted the maid's service.

Liu Yinyin returns to normal and is about to move forward.

However, just then, a man's angry voice came, "go away, who gives you the courage to come here!"

The voice was too loud and full of dignity. The maid in waiting was frightened.

"Damn you, I'm bold for a moment. The emperor forgives me!"

"Damn you, a woman like you!" the roar came again.

With a bang, the hall door opened.

Then there was another bang——

"Ah!" the palace maid was kicked out directly. Ning Lianchen, dressed in a Dragon Robe, appeared, full of anger.

Liu Yinyin had never seen him like this before. His eyes widened and he looked at him in a daze.

The palace maid was thrown to the ground, her hair was messy, her face was dirty, and regardless of her pain, she got up, "the emperor forgive me, spare my efforts, please..."

"Someone!" a furious voice disturbed the patrol guards in the palace.

They were stunned when they saw Liu Yinyin.

Ning Lianchen's eyes turned, as deep as the winter ice spring's eyes clearly reflected Liu Yinyin's figure.

The hand in the Dragon Robe can't help holding tight. The sound is coming. When did it come? Was it seen just now?


Ning Lianchen immediately ordered the bodyguard, "drag it down and chop it all night!"

The maid in waiting was so frightened that she turned pale. "Emperor, your maidservant is obsessed. You shouldn't listen to others' nonsense and say that you are vigorous. Today's voice master rejected you again. Tonight is a great opportunity."

The guard's face was cold. The palace maid was too stupid. If she didn't say this, she would kowtow desperately. Maybe the emperor would take back her life.

Now, Yinyin is standing here. She still says that she doesn't want her head!

Ning Lianchen's face was more heavy, and with a big hand, "drag it down."

Soon, the bodyguard came forward and dragged the crying maid.

When the maid was dragged to the front, she saw Liu Yinyin. For a moment, she was desperate.

"Emperor, please..."

Before he finished, he was dragged away by the bodyguard.

A moment later, the hospital recovered calm. Liu Yinyin looked at Ning Lianchen.

They looked at each other with four eyes. Ning Lianchen stepped forward and took her into his arms.

"Sound sound."

A soft sound, with a strong smell of wine.

Liu Yinyin immediately understood that he drank wine tonight.

Didn't he drink wine with Fang lingdang all night?

Liu Yinyin looked up at him, "have a good rest."

Immediately, we will push him away.

Ning Lianchen held her tightly in his right hand, his forehead against the top of her hair, "since he came, why should he go?"

The strong smell of wine immediately came, and Liu Yinyin frowned uncomfortably.

Before he made a sound, his big hand suddenly exerted force and whirled around for a while.

Bang - the hall door was closed.

When Liu Yinyin stabilized his figure, he had reached the bed and was firmly pressed under him.

"Emperor." she called softly and put her hands against him, hoping that he would wake up.

She knew that he was irrational and drunk now.

Ning Lianchen's eyebrows and eyes bent, and his warm big hand held her slender waist, "Yinyin, I'm sure it's you now. It's good. It's really you this time."

Liu Yinyin was stunned. If it wasn't her, who else would it be?

Suddenly, Fang lingdang's words flashed into her mind again.

That night, she took me as you. He spoiled me. I seem to have his children.

Liu Yinyin just wanted to speak, but his lips were blocked by him.

The strength gap between men and women was too large. Before long, clothes were thrown down and fell on the edge of the Dragon bed.

Tender yellow clothes and skirts, accompanied by Golden Dragon robes, are intertwined and intertwined to draw a beautiful radian.

The Dragon bed shook and a sound of men and women sounded.

In front of him was his beloved woman. Ning Lianchen no longer restrained himself. He was enthusiastic and swayed for half a night.

The next day, before dawn, the eunuch sounded.

"Emperor, it's time to get up." he wondered that the emperor had already got up on weekdays. Why can't he get up when it's almost Chenshi today.

It's not good to miss the morning.

However, the eunuch could not hear the emperor's response until a woman's voice came

He suddenly understood that the emperor spoiled women yesterday.

Yesterday, I didn't go to master Yinyin. I was alone in the LongQian hall. Who was the woman in the hall, the maid in waiting?

However, a palace maid was just executed last night. Now the people inside are

The eunuch dared not speak and stood motionless.

Until the temple door opened and the emperor came out.

The eunuch immediately saluted respectfully, "emperor, it's almost the morning."

Ning Lianchen said softly, "send a clever and obedient maid to serve Yin."

The eunuch immediately understood that last night, Yinyin master went to the Longgan hall. The emperor was lucky to have her!

"Your Majesty, I'll call the maids right away. Master Yinyin's service last night. I'll go to the Jingshi room to record."

Ning Lianchen nodded, "do it quickly."

Then he stepped out of the temple.

Another eunuch immediately brought washing water and breakfast.

Within half an hour, Ning Lianchen went out of the LongQian hall and went to the Jinluan hall.

LongQian Hall

Liu Yinyin was sore and blue. It happened so suddenly last night. He drank wine and she didn't hurry.

The bright red on the bed quilt stabbed her eyes.

"Master Yinyin, according to the emperor's order, I sent you a personal maid. You are obedient."

Liu Yinyin raised her eyes and said across the hall door, "I don't need someone to serve. Let her go back. Thank the emperor for his kindness."

Eunuchs are worried. What should we do?

One side of the palace girls are afraid to annoy Liu Yinyin. Everyone in the Imperial Palace knows that the only sound master in the harem is the emperor's sharp treasure.

So she knelt down immediately, "master Yinyin, I will take good care of you. If you don't want me, my life will be gone."

Liu Yinyin stopped. Ning Lianchen executed the following palace maids without saying a word last night.

If she didn't want this maid, would she also be beheaded?

"Master Yinyin, please give me a chance. If I don't serve you well, my father-in-law will transfer me away. If you don't give me a chance, I'll die!"

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