After solving the problem of the soul of Song Sansheng, there was no trace for him to find. The river's dustless soul element was detected, and he felt the song Sansheng ten miles away. This guy fled quickly, and with the help of the magic weapon to escape, even if the river had no dust, he wanted to rely on the blink of an eye to track it.

Blinking shortens the time, but it's not that Jiang Wuchen can move as he wants. At present, Jiang Wuchen can only move within a mile. Beyond this aspect, he can't exert this magic power.

Song Sansheng could not be found. Jiang Wuchen fell on Mengjia mountain from the air. There was a bowl of arrow scar in his heart. His heart was completely broken, and even blood could not be restrained.

There is no yuan spirit here. Meng Jiashan's yuan spirit is exhausted and cannot be repaired by himself.

Jiang Wuchen took out the purple elixir and stuffed it into his mouth.

Meng Jiashan's spirit is like a gossamer. He already knows that Jiang Wuchen and Meng youruo are reconciled. Although Jiang Wuchen was a little mean in those years, he has a very good reputation in the practice world.

When the purple elixir was swallowed, the powerful homozygous Zhenyuan quickly made up for the loss of mengjiashan inner elixir. The broken heart healed with the naked eye, and the scars of the whole body were also accelerating the recovery.

Meng Jiashan was shocked. He didn't know it was a purple elixir and had never taken such a magical pill. He thought it fell this time, but he didn't expect to live.

A moment later, Meng Jiashan regained some strength, struggled to sit up and looked at Jiang Wuchen. He didn't know whether to say thank you or not.

But I have forgiven him in my heart.

The world will make mistakes. The key is... Whether we can correct them in time after making mistakes. Now, even his younger sister has forgiven him, which shows that he has really done something to make up for the past.

What else do you say?

"How do you feel?" asked Jiang Wuchen.

Meng Jiashan nodded slightly, "it's all right." he was exaggerating. His life was saved, but it will take a long time to recover completely.

"No little sister?"

Jiang Wuchen said, "she's on her way. I detected you first and came over."

At this time, Li dingshui also came over. Shanshan was a little boring and said, "jiangdazuo, how much strength do you still hide? I tried my best to track, but in the end, it was not as fast as you. Your cultivation level is not as high as me."

Seeing the two bodies on the ground, Li dingshui was not polite. He used to take away the heaven and earth bags from Tian E and Lin Ze. After opening them for a visit, he grinned, "they are all rubbish." he threw them away again.

Jiang Wuchen turned around, looked at Meng Jiashan and said, "if I come faster, maybe you can't hurt here. What happened?"

Although Meng Jiashan forgives Jiang Wuchen in his heart, he doesn't have much emotion with Jiang Wuchen after all. He doesn't want to say more and said, "wait until my little sister comes."

The three waited in place. After a long time, the flying boat arrived.

Meng Jiashan's injury is further healed at the moment. As a gold department, he has a strong healing ability. Now he is very different from when he was angry like a spring just now.

Meng youruo jumped down from the flying boat, "second brother, who hurt you so badly!"

Seeing Meng youruo, Meng Jiashan was relieved, "I'm all right. Jiang Wuchen shot this time, otherwise you'll only have a body left when you see me."

Meng youruo looked at Jiang Wuchen, his bright eyes twinkled with crystal clear tears, and didn't say anything. Between her and Jiang Wuchen, there is no need to use the word thank you to express her inner feelings.

She thought it over. No matter what the war between gods and Demons she fought, and no matter what the future was, when she went back, she would make some villains first.

"Second brother, what happened?" Meng youruo asked with concern.

Meng Jiashan told the story at this time.

Since the rumor about the divine world coming to the mainland appeared, there have been three major factions in the spiritual world. One is the supporters. The representatives are the Kunlun palace Presbyterian courtyard, as well as Ji Mu and Ji Mo from the ethereal palace.

The supporters are eager for the gods to come and help them kill demons and demons, kill all demons and demons, and kill those practitioners who are unfavorable to the practice world.

In the eyes of supporters, these practitioners are more serious than the sins of demons.

The second is the Conservatives. The representatives of this category are the temple of medicine and the school of utensils, including the ethereal palace and the martial arts Taoist school. In form, they don't care about world affairs, but they are actually conservatives.

Their conservatism is actually closely related to the influence of Jiang Wuchen. At present, both the medicine temple and the misty palace have built their own small world and arranged perfect defense arrays.

The reason for this is obvious. We will wait for the gods to come. If anything happens, we will not hesitate to fight.

There is also a kind of neutrality, which mostly refers to those hidden Laogou saints.

The word Lao Gou Sheng was put forward by Jiang Wuchen. He believes that generally speaking, only those who reach Prajna and survive for more than 300 years can be called Gou Sheng.

In China, Jiang Wuchen doesn't understand it, but after contacting Tianyuan and others, Jiang Wuchen understands that such people exist in China.

Since the separation of the three factions, cizheng has become a representative of the supporters. With him as a representative, the demon elimination alliance and the Presbyterian court have been completely integrated.

The duty of the demon killing alliance is to kill demons and find demons. But now it has completely changed, aiming at those neutral or conservative sects.

Moreover, more and more Kunlun palace disciples entered the demon killing alliance. The demon killing alliance completely lost its initial independence and became a force controlled by cizheng alone.

Song Sansheng joined the demon killing alliance as a new force, and then began to retaliate against other sects and neutral sects.

Under his leadership, the new forces of the demon eradication alliance destroyed more than a dozen small sects at one go. Almost all of these small sects were silent in the practice world. Later, they were willing to surrender in order to survive, but song Sansheng did not let go.

In this process, someone found the trace of Meng Jialiang. After Meng Jialiang became a demon, his cultivation improved. He was demonized by the flying feather demon Luo Zheng.

It is the first generation of demons. At this stage of development, its strength has been very strong.

Although the focus of the new forces of the demon killing alliance has changed, it is not that the demons will not be killed. At this time, Meng Jialiang is exposed and it is time to attack.

Led by song Sansheng, Lin Ze and others, the demon killing alliance rushed into the Meng family in the capital.

This is the first time that the spiritual world has directly dealt with ordinary people in the world, but in the eyes of song Sansheng and others, this family may be demonized, and they shield Meng Jialiang, absolutely can't let go and kill them all.

Originally, they didn't have to die so many, but song Sansheng knew that this was Meng youruo's laity, so he gave the order to kill them all.

Meng youruo and Jiang Wuchen are both conservatives. As long as he supports them, song Sansheng will oppose them

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