Wang Luming is only a general fan of football. If a world-class team comes to China, such as Real Madrid and Barcelona, he may come to the scene in person.

Now it's just a high school campus football game. If it wasn't for exploring Jiang Wuchen and posting him a million, he might not come.

After sitting down, Wang Luming's eyes began to look on the court, "Jiang Wuchen, Jiang Wuchen... Where are you? Are you in the end?"

Liu Renli next to him didn't know why. He thought Wang Luming was watching the ball carefully. He was excited and noisy in his ear. "See, the No. 7 in white, like c Luo, the one with instant noodles head, is my son. Look at his dribbling posture. Tut Tut, it's better than c Luo."

Wang Luming didn't even look at the front eye. He continued to look for Jiang Wuchen. "Hiss, not here." his heart suddenly relaxed. It seems that the man yesterday was an illusion.

Jiang Wuchen used to like football. If he were here, he would play.

Especially when he saw that class 12 was short and fat on the court, he was more relieved. Even if Jiang Wuchen was no better, he was better than these losers.

At the beginning of the second half, as expected by director Xie, class 24 launched a frenzied bombing, and all the players were pressed. All the players concentrated in the first half, resulting in eight shots in just ten minutes!

Fortunately, his footwork was not very accurate. He only shot three times. Under Zheng Shao's brave play, he was rejected.

However, in terms of momentum, class 24 has an overwhelming advantage over class 12.

In the comment area, Huang Yuxiang unscrewed the mineral water and took a sip. "From the current situation, I'm afraid class 24 is sure to win the game. It has formed a siege on class 12. If the other team's No. 1 goalkeeper didn't play super, he could score at least two goals."

Hao Yuandong said: "the court changes rapidly. Anything can happen before the last minute of the game. Look! The counterattack is coming out."

While he was talking, Zheng Shao caught another shot by Liu Yuandong and kicked the ball out with a long pass.

However, this time Pei song seemed to be half a beat slow, and the whole person was out of his mind. Before he started, he was stuck in his position by the other two defenders.

However, the ball was not wasted and was won by Luan Tian, who played at the edge of the avant-garde.

Luan Tian was a top student in his class. Before Jiang Wuchen came, he was generally the first liberal arts student in the school. The last time I played as a substitute, I took a pill given to him by Jiang Wuchen, which stimulated the small universe of the body.

It was recognized by the students. This time, it was arranged to play under the guidance of Xie and became the main player.

Luan Tian is not tall. He runs like Messi, like a runaway wild donkey. He immediately threw away the other side's No. 6 full back and dribbled to the restricted area.

This sudden scene stunned everyone. The cheerleading team of class 12 was originally weak. With Luan Tian's birth, it was like injecting a shot in the arm and shouting.

For class 12, Luan Tian suddenly appeared and became nervous. The goalkeeper shouted, "shovel him, shovel!"

The sixth full back has been thrown away by Luan Tian. Even if he puts the shovel, he can't catch up.

"Shit." the goalkeeper yelled, immediately made a judgment and began to attack.

Luan Tian smiled proudly and pretended to shoot, but he passed the ball to Peisong who caught up with him.

But at the moment, Pei song was like a walking corpse. His reaction was very slow. He saw the ball coming and hurried out of his foot. As a result, he missed.

Facing the empty goal, the ball turned out

There was an uproar and the cheerleaders of class 12 sighed.

The people on the court couldn't help shaking their heads. Xie's blood pressure soared and almost burst their blood vessels. "Such a good ball, empty goal!! alas..." sighed, full of anger.

Pei song sat on the court, crying without tears. He listened to the sarcastic voices from all sides and looked at the evil faces on the court. It seemed that everyone was laughing at him wearing a green hat.

The other party came on the fifth, "Du Yaru is still very good. There are many people who want to do this kind of work..."

"I'm a grass mud horse!" Pei song was furious, stood up and yelled.

Luan Tian and Feilong hurriedly hugged Peisong to prevent him from getting too emotional.

The coach ran over and pointed at Peisong to calm him down, otherwise he would have to set cards.

Luan Tian said, "brother song, what's the matter with you? If you go on like this, everyone will be killed by you. It doesn't matter if you die. Don't bother us!"

Looking at the sweaty teammates around him, Pei song was very upset, "I'm sorry, I... Failed everyone."

"Don't say that. The game begins and continues." Fat Dragon patted him on the shoulder.

This dangerous situation gave class 24 a reminder that the other party carefully controlled the ball. Pei song actively fought for it, began to gradually find his state, looked at the time, rushed over and took the ball from No. 5.

"Ah? You fucking... Du Yaru was rotated by everyone in our class..." No. 5 continued to try to disturb Peisong.

Pei song gritted his teeth and handed the ball to No. 11 on the wing.

Just as the 11th was ready to run, Liu Yuandong came over to kill him. He put his foot directly, put a shovel behind his back, and shoveled the 11th to the ground.

"Ah!" No. 11 rolled back and forth with his feet in pain, his ankles twisted and broken!

Liu Yuandong did so hard.

On the bench, Jiang Wuchen also stood up.

Guidance Xie shouted and scolded on the sidelines. This is not a regular football game, and the law enforcement on the sidelines dare not do anything.

The referee sweated on his forehead, asked the medical staff to carry the stretcher, and then showed a yellow card to Liu Yuandong.

Liu Yuandong's sympathy for the past.

Director Xie's face was livid, shook his head angrily, turned and pointed to Jiang Wuchen, "you, go!"

Jiang Wuchen was stunned.

Several substitutes around looked at Jiang Wuchen with excited and envious eyes.

"Well, good." Jiang Wuchen nodded slightly, stood on the sideline, put on his shirt, wrote No. 8 behind him, and then ran to the court.

In the audience, when Wang Luming saw this scene, his hair suddenly stood up, and his skin was cold and gloomy. "Jiang Wuchen... Really... It's Jiang Wuchen, no, it's impossible."

"Today's middle school students are really vulnerable. They can't stand a little shoveling." Liu Renli couldn't help shaking his head.

On the opposite audience, Zheng Guoxing pointed to the referee and shouted, "black whistle, you are a fucking black whistle. Such a serious intentional foul should be punished, you fool! Grass Mud Horse..."

Liu Renli narrowed his eyes. "This bastard dares to abuse my son."

There is a humanitarian nearby: "Zheng Guoxing doesn't enter the oil and salt. We've lobbied him several times to join tianmeng. The old fox always hides from us and doesn't express his attitude. He's very cunning."

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