Lin Xiong stood in the circle and was arrogant. From the first day of school, he saw Mi Xinghe and Zheng Shao. He wanted to teach them a lesson, but the rules of the martial arts academy existed and there was no suitable opportunity.

Today's opportunity finally appeared. Naturally, Lin Xiong would not let go, but he was very happy to see the picture of MI Xinghe's arrogant face trampled on the ground.

Zheng Shao and Mi Xinghe stood side by side, looking at Lin Xiong angrily.

Zheng Shao couldn't help whispering, "he respects the teacher... We are not his opponent together."

"Are you afraid?"

"I'm afraid of a hair. It's a big deal. I won't read it. I'll go back to the Dragon cutting platform on Chongyang island to clean up! I'm just worried about losing brother Chen's face."

"I've had enough of this guy's repeated provocations today, even if he fights to the end today! Every man's anger splashes blood five steps." Lin Xiong said.

"That's good." Zheng Shao clenched his fist. "Lin Xiong knows he respects his teacher. We are not his opponents. We deliberately let us go together. This is humiliating us. I'll make a frontal attack later. You sneak attack from your back! There's nothing to say about such a despicable person."

"No problem." Mi Xinghe nodded slightly.

"If you want to succeed, I'm afraid I can only catch him at most," Zheng Shao said.

They were still discussing countermeasures. Huang Yumo suddenly shouted Jiang Wuchen in the crowd.

This cry suddenly disrupted the atmosphere. Everyone looked around and found no trace of Jiang Wuchen.

"Up, up!!" Huang Yumo pointed to the night sky.

When they looked up, they suddenly felt oppressed by a dark thing, and people shouted from time to time.

"What is it?"

"What a big bird."

The crowd quickly retreated. The bird's wings were spread out, more than ten meters large, and its two powerful claws twinkled. Even if there were practitioners of the martial arts academy in the crowd.

But it was the first time to see such a huge bird and looked at it in surprise.

When I saw the river clean on the back of the birds, they all looked envious.

The bird landed, and Jiang Wuchen jumped and fell gently. The bird roared and disappeared out of thin air.

Before the crowd reacted, they said no.

"Brother Chen!" Zheng Shao shouted excitedly.

Lin Xiong looked at Jiang Wuchen with a ferocious face. This guy who likes to pretend to be forced

Luo Yun also had a faint surprise on his face. This guy can always make some strange things.

Jiang Wuchen looks at Lin Xiong with a cold look.

This coldness made Lin Xiong feel a little afraid. He quickly cheered himself up: Jiang Wuchen is just respecting the teacher and has nothing to be afraid of.

"Brother Chen, you're here. You'll have to collect my body if you come a minute late." Zheng Shao said gnashing his teeth. He stretched out his hand to Lin Xiong and said, "this guy just moved on to miss Matsushima in the club. I really can't see it. I'm paralyzed. Ya Ting knows that brother Xing and I are not rivals. We have to humiliate us and ask us to fight with him."

Among the crowd, Jiang Wuchen has captured Matsushima Jixiang. He hasn't seen him for some time. Matsushima Jixiang is as beautiful as ever, but there is a little more fatigue between his eyebrows. It can be seen that this period of time is probably very busy.

Jiang Wuchen looked at Lin Xiong and said, "do you want to fight?"

"Er..." Lin Xiong took a breath, and his heart was at a loss. Jiang Wuchen was the owner of the gold nameplate, which showed that he had a high talent. You know, there are only two gold nameplates in the martial arts academy, one in Meng youruo's hand and the other in Jiang Wuchen's hand.

Although everyone said that this guy respected his teacher, Lin Xiong felt a killing opportunity at that moment, which frightened him.

On the other hand, Waijiang Wuchen came riding a bird. The bird disappeared when it landed. Obviously, it is not a real bird, but a magical power that can confuse the truth.

It's not ordinary people who can master this kind of magic power.

In addition, it can be seen from the eyes of Jiang Wuchen and Matsushima Jixiang that they knew each other before, and there may be a deeper relationship.

"Hahaha, why didn't you say anything? Wasn't it awesome just now? You want us to come together, ah!" Zheng Shao sneered: "now my boss is coming, you're counseling? You haven't fought yet! You really have no seed!"

Luo Xin stepped forward, pointed to Zheng Shao and said, "what are you talking nonsense? Who has no seed? Just fight. Come on. Brother Xiong is afraid you won't succeed!"

"Shut up." Lin Xiong burst out.

Luo Xin hurriedly dared not say.

Lin Xiong's complaining eyes glanced at Luo Xin and was dissatisfied with the good man.

At this time, Xu Hai's Toyota came slowly, opened the door, and Xu Hai jumped out of the car, "well, Jiang Wuchen, why are you here again? Eh? What's the matter with you? What's the pose here?"

When Xu Hai came, the battle to take place naturally couldn't break out. Lin Xiong smiled and looked at Jiang Wuchen and said, "Jiang Wuchen, this may be a misunderstanding. Everyone should unite with each other."

"Shit, aren't you?" Zheng Shao said with a surprised expression, "is this the arrogant Lin Xiong? He said unity? Hahaha, I really regret not taking pictures of you just now.

But I can see that what is bullying the soft and afraid of the hard. "

Xu Hai looked at Lin Xiong and Zheng Shao and said, "are you in conflict?"

"No, no, just kidding." Lin Xiong said with a smile, "it's all right now. It's very late. Let's go. Goodbye, master Xu." when he turned around, his smiling face became cold.

"Stop," cried the Milky way.

Lin Xiong immediately stopped again. Luo Xin angrily said, "what do you want to do? Don't go too far."

"Do you have to pay for the things smashed in the club?" said Mi Xing River.

"And my cell phone!" said Zheng Shao.

Lin Xiong took a breath, suppressed his anger and said, "it doesn't matter. It won't cost much. Miss Matsushima just deducted it from my membership card." then he turned to get on the bus and several people ran away.

"Wipe, I thought it was a bully. It turned out to be a bully." Zheng Shao said proudly.

Xu Hai saw something and said, "Lin Xiong, you must be careful in the future. In addition, the martial arts academy prohibits private fighting. But, just prohibit it. Understand? If you have to fight privately, the college can't find it, and the rules are useless. Also, only by improving your accomplishments can you really be inviolable."

"I see, mother-in-law is more wordy than my father. Where did you go just now? If you don't go, Lin Xiong won't be too arrogant." Zheng Shao complained.

"Cough, cough, of course I'm going to send Zheng Shi," Xu Hai said.

"Oh? Nothing happened?"

"Bastard, the relationship between me and master Zheng is pure and free from any evil thoughts. Dare to talk nonsense in the future. Be careful I'll clean you up." Xu Hai said solemnly.

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