Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 1747: Zhao Ping'er is here again

"Mother, look, is that Mao pregnant with a big belly!" Zhao Yuner stared at the cat and asked.

Liang Jinqiao glanced again. With such a big belly, he must be pregnant, so he replied, "Yes, it seems that I can give birth in a few days."

"So fast?"

"Well, the cat is pregnant, but it's not like ours for a long time to give birth. It should be pregnant for a while."

After listening to Liang Jinqiao's words, Zhao Yuner's eyes turned and asked Liang Jinqiao, "Mother, why don't you look back and wait for the hair of Uncle Zhao's family to give birth, let's get one back and raise it?"

Zhao Yuner felt that the old cat had no food every day, and she had to come and look for it. When she turned around, she gave birth to a kitten. How could the kitten be able to feed it?

Thinking that the pink and tender hairs might be starved to death, Zhao Yuner felt that this was really a cruel thing.

Liang Jinqiao was silent for a while and nodded, "It's okay to catch one and raise one back. There are too many mice in the house these years. If there is a cat and mouse in the house, it won't be so noisy. We have a lot of leftovers every day. It’s easy to take a little out to feed.”

"Yes! As long as we support our family, we can definitely support it!"

"Well, I'll go and talk to your Uncle Zhao when I turn around, and save one for our family after giving birth!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Yuner responded with a smile, and there was another cute animal in the house.

Zhao Yun'er likes Xiao Hei's exciting spirit so much. If he can raise another kitten, it is probably a clever little thing.

Just thinking of Xiao Hei, I heard Xiao Hei's screams.



Xiao Hei yelled at his neck, shouting abnormally fierce. Xiao Hei is not so fierce in normal days. It must be the reaction of someone who is annoying.

Zhao Yun'er looked in the direction of Xiao Hei's screaming, and as expected, someone really annoying came over.

No one else came, but Zhao Ping'er and Qin Yuan.

Two people stood one behind the other at the gate of the yard, because Xiao Hei screamed fiercely, coupled with Xiao Hei's fangs, Zhao Ping'er and Qin Yuan dared to step forward.

The miserable appearance that Zhao Ping'er was bitten by Xiao Hei last time is still fresh in Zhao Ping'er's memory, where he dare to step forward and provoke Xiao Hei.

But staying at the door all the time is not a way, Zhao Ping'er yelled at Liang Jinqiao in the yard, "Mother, come here quickly and get rid of this dead dog!"

After seeing Zhao Ping'er, Liang Jinqiao wrung his brows, wondering why Zhao Ping'er came again.

Liang Jinqiao responded very well to Zhao Ping'er the last time, but now it is not happy to see Zhao Ping'er.

Some disliked stood up, Liang Jinqiao walked towards Zhao Ping'er, and asked indifferently, "What are you doing here?"

Zhao Ping'er smiled flatteringly, "Mother, isn't this the one who built a house to hold a banquet at home? I heard Xiaofeng say, and now I will come over with Brother Yuan to give some gift money!"

Liang Jinqiao glanced at Zhao Ping'er faintly, and said, "No need! You can take it back by yourself, there is no shortage of money at home!"

Seeing Liang Jinqiao's attitude like this, Zhao Pinger's heart "cocked".

Her mother's attitude looks like she really doesn't want to care about her, what should we do?

She came here this time, besides giving money for the banquet, the most important thing is to ask her mother to help persuade Zhao Yuner, so that Zhao Yuner can continue to cooperate with her. In the past few days, Zhao Yuner’s mushroom noodles are gone, and the business on the stall is bad. A lot.

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