Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 1772: Earn a couple of silver for nothing

Liang Xinzi was so angry with Liang Xinyue, this woman deliberately found her fault and picked her thorns. The words were really bad.

"You are shameless, you are just jealous of your cousin's kindness to me and lend me the clothes!" Liang Xinzi replied in an angry voice.

Liang Xinyue bit her lower lip, and sarcastically said to Liang Xinzi, "Hmph, anyway, no matter how beautiful clothes are on you, it will be ruined and you will look shabby. No matter how you dress up, it's useless!"

"You...you are too much!" Liang Xinzi stared at Liang Xinyue angrily, and the woman knew that she was talking about her looks.

Although she is not as good-looking as Liang Xinyue, she is not shabby, right? It feels good to be dressed like this now.

Guo Caixia couldn't understand that her daughter was being bullied, so she rushed to Wu Zhenzhu, "Second sibling, look at what kind of girl you raised, how can you say that my Zi'er?"

Wu Zhenzhu is also a short-term caregiver, "My girl Yue'er has nothing wrong with it, and the appearance of Zi'er girl is not as good as my Yue'er."

"Then you can't say it like that. This is a girl in my family who doesn't wear good-looking clothes even if she was born a little harder? Why is it ruined?"

Wu Zhenzhu's mouth twitched a few times, and she said faintly, "Isn't this a joke between children? It's okay to fight a few words, Sister-in-law, what do you care about this?"

Guo Caixia rolled her eyes, "Second sibling, what you said is rather light, this is a bickering, Yue'er girl is clearly..."

Before Guo Caixia could finish, Mrs. Liang interrupted immediately, "If it is done, you will know when the noisy will stop. It's fine if you make a noise at home. This is at your elder sister's house and was heard by others. Not afraid of jokes!"

Old lady Liang felt bored in her heart. She liked being quiet when she was old. Every day at home, she had to listen to the two daughters-in-law arguing and quarreling, which made her a little bit painful.

It was indeed much quieter to live with her daughter-in-law last night. If she could live there for a period of time, she could also catch her breath and save her two daughter-in-laws.

Guo Caixia and Wu Zhenzhu both closed their mouths angrily.

In the kitchen, Zhao Yuner was very busy.

At this time, Zhao Wenhua, Zhao Tianhu, and Zhao Tianan had already gone to the village and borrowed all the tables and chairs.

When it was almost eleven o'clock noon, everyone was almost there, and Zhao Yun'er set about preparing for the opening of the banquet.

Everyone sat down in a seat where everyone could do it, and there were eight people in one seat. Except for the children, no one had just two people.

In the old Zhao's house, a few men came to have a drink.

Before the banquet started, Huo Chunhua got into the kitchen of Zhao Yun'er's house and said to Zhao Yun'er, "Yun'er girl, when you wait for cooking, leave me a few good ones. I'll go back and give it to your sister-in-law."

Before Zhao Yun'er could refuse, Huo Chunhua quickly explained, "Yun'er girl, don't worry, your sister-in-law is not used to the food I cook. If you want to eat you, we won't take you for nothing, we will pay. Yes. No, this is a couple of pieces of silver, you take it, it should be enough to buy your food?"

Zhao Yun'er glanced at Huo Chunhua, now she knew she was interesting, she didn't think of Bai Zhan.

"All right, I'll keep some of the good dishes!" Zhao Yuner said as she took the broken silver from Huo Chunhua.

Anyway, the food at her banquet will not be finished by the time, and it will be wasted if she can't eat it later. Wouldn't these two silvers be earned in vain?

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