Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 1917: Let Zhao Yuner be responsible

"If you take the medicine, quickly fry it and eat it. The injuries on your girl's body can't be delayed." Dr. Sun explained.

"Well, good!" Huo Chunhua hurriedly responded.

Before Dr. Sun left, Huo Chunhua asked, "Doctor Sun, you haven't said why my girl, Hui'er, is so all of a sudden?

He didn't touch, didn't knock? Why did she miscarry suddenly? "

Speaking of this, Dr. Sun was silent for a while, and finally said, "I'm not particularly sure, but I think I should eat something that shouldn't be eaten to cause a miscarriage!"

Huo Chunhua wrinkled her brows together again, her expression very solemn.

"Something not to eat?"

Doctor Sun nodded, "Sometimes eating things you shouldn't eat can easily lead to miscarriage, which is not suitable for pregnant women."

Huo Chunhua thought for a while, what did Zhao Xinhui eat today.

I ate rice porridge and eggs in the morning, and I also eat them on weekdays. There should be no problem.

If there is a problem, it is only possible that there is a problem with the old turtle soup given to Zhao Xinhui later.

Otherwise, she really couldn't think of what Zhao Xinhui had eaten.

"That's the bowl of soup..." Huo Chunhua's lips trembled, and she muttered.

"Mother, you... you are the one who hurt me!" Zhao Xinhui clutched her belly corner and looked at Huo Chunhua bitterly.

"I had to make a bowl of soup for me to drink, now it's okay, are you satisfied? My good children are all gone by you!"

With an innocent expression on her face, Huo Chunhua hurriedly waved her hand to explain, "Hui'er girl, my mother doesn't know that there is a problem with the soup, so I can't give it to the pregnant woman, otherwise my mother will definitely not get it for you."

Zhao Xinhui breathed a sigh of relief in her chest, "Mother, what use are you talking about now? The child is gone, and it doesn't make sense to say this."

Huo Chunhua sighed heavily, fearing that Zhao Xinhui might hurt her body, she hurriedly comforted Zhao Xinhui, "Okay, girl Hui'er, take a good rest, now the body needs more rest, mother went to Yun'er girl to settle accounts, it was her soup To blame."

Zhao Xinhui's current body is indeed very empty, and there is no time to argue with Huo Chunhua.

I was lying on the bed and sweating on my forehead, but I had no choice but to endure it.

But Huo Chunhua rushed out of the yard angrily, and pushed all the responsibilities onto Zhao Yun'er.

She originally felt that Zhao Xinhui had a miscarriage, and she still felt a little guilty in her heart.

It's not guilt for Zhao Xinhui and Huo Chunhua, but guilt for the unborn child in Zhao Xinhui's belly. After all, it is a life, and the behavior of an adult cannot fall on the child. You should cherish the child's life.

Until Huo Chunhua rushed out and pointed at Zhao Yun'er’s nose, she cursed, "You **** girl, did you deliberately call your sister-in-law? Why do you cook such a pot of soup? Obviously you can’t eat it. You still do the prone to miscarriage!

Today, your sister-in-law’s children are gone because of your soup. So you must give my wife an explanation! "

Zhao Yun'er saw Huo Chunhua like a mad woman, a coldness shot into her eyes.

This dead old woman really thinks she's a bully?

"Milk, how do you make me be responsible?" What Zhao Yuner's words meant was what did this matter have to do with her?

However, to Huo Chunhua, it was Zhao Yuner's request for compensation.

Huo Chunhua's eyes turned and said with a calm face, "Dead girl, a life is not cheap, you can weigh it yourself, according to the market price, at least five thirty taels of silver!"

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