Wu Shi pointed at Mu Lianfeng and asked, the surprise in her eyes showed her unbelievable psychology at this time.

He was still muttering, "How is it possible, how could this person be the son of the world today? Don't be ignorant of your family, can the son of the world look at Yun'er girl?"

Seeing the rich expressions on Wu's face, Zhao Yuner only found it very funny.

Even if it is jealous, even if it is uncomfortable in the heart, there is no need to make it so obvious, right?

But this time the face was really sour.

"Sister-in-law of the Tian family, isn't it what you said, isn't it useless if you say it?" Zhao Wenhua raised his head.

Mu Lianfeng's mouth curled up with a smile, standing with his hands behind him, standing in front of the Wu clan, and said to the clan Wu, "Why, what do you think this world is not like?"

As soon as Mu Lianfeng came over, the aura on his body when he spoke, a pressure was placed on the person.

Wu Shi was shocked by this momentum, and his body couldn't help but shiver.

"Who...who knows...you said that you are just chanting, and there is no way to verify it..." Wu clan murmured, unwilling to believe it.

Mu Lianfeng's lips twitched, took out a waist card on her body, handed it to Tian Wenhan, and said to Tian Wenhan, "Look at you like a scholar. If so, should you know this?"

Tian Wenhan took the waist card, took a look, and then hurriedly said respectfully to Mulianfeng, "Shi Ziye!"

Seeing Tian Wenhan's reaction, he seemed to recognize it.

If others say that Wu still doesn't believe it, but Tian Wenhan said that, she just doesn't want to believe it.

Tian Wenhan can't lie...

Wu's lips trembled to Tian Wenhan's side and asked, "Wenhan, are you making a mistake? Is this man really the son of the world?"

Tian Wenhan said with a calm face, "Mother, how could I admit that I was wrong? Some things about nobles have been mentioned in the book and the teacher."

Although he didn't want to admit it in his heart, how could it be true, he couldn't deny the fact?

Mulianfeng took back the waist card in Tian Wenhan's hand, and then said, "Since it has been proved, I hope my aunt will stop talking nonsense!"

The warning in Mulianfeng’s words was so scared that Wu hurriedly shut up, where he dared to say more.

Zhao Wenhua and Liang Jinqiao faced Tian's face all at once, and they were full of face.

It was enough to think that the Tian family retired back then, but they said a lot of ugly things, like their Sanfangren stomping on the soles of their feet, without mercy.

Originally, Zhao Yun'er had been hit by the incident, and the Tian family was so noisy that she almost died.

Fortunately, everything has survived, and Yunshan is really well guarded, and now they have become the big face of their three-bedroom Tian family.

"Since you know, why don't you leave? From now on, our family Yuner will marry the son of the world!" Zhao Wenhua waved his hand and urged.

Tian Shui Niu hurriedly pulled La Wu, "Okay, let's go, Wenhan his mother! It would be a shame to stay any longer, why bother!"

Wu looked at the Sanfangren unwillingly, and saw Ruoyouruwu smiles on their lips. He only felt that he had come here today and he would not have come here.

Tian Shui Niu also felt embarrassed. Thinking about what Wu said just now, he wanted to dig a hole in to hide his shame.

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