Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 1962: Zhao Wenshui hiding under the bed

Zhao Wenshui felt that Li Cuiying was right. The house is so big, where can Zhang Wenshui hide alone?

So several people rummaged through the boxes and searched them again, and finally found Zhao Wenshui under the bed.

Seeing Zhao Wenshui, a big man shrinking under the bed, Zhao Baoshan became even more angry.

What kind of **** did he give birth to, and he has completely lost his old face.

He had the courage to do nasty things but didn't have the courage to take on it, and now it's better to shrink under the bed.

As a big man, how can he hide under the bed.

"Beast, come out quickly!" Zhao Wenshui scolded at the bottom of Zhao Baoshan's punch.

"Father..." Zhao Wenshui grievedly looked at Zhao Baoshan, and saw the wooden stick in Zhao Baoshan's hand, how dare he come out again?

"Father, if you don't hit me, I'll come out!" Zhao Wenshui bargained, anyway, he had to fight for it.

"If you don't hit you? Wouldn't it be a shame if you didn't hit you? See what you are doing, and I am embarrassed to let me not hit you?

Today I have to teach you what to do and what not to do! "Zhao Baoshan said with a black face.

Zhao Wenshui curled his lips and shrank under the bed, "Father, if you don't promise me that I have to hit me, then I won't be able to get out under the bed!"

After hearing what Zhao Wenshui said, Zhao Benshan's beard almost blew.

However, he couldn't follow Zhao Wenshui to crawl under the bed and drag Zhao Wenshui out. After all, he was old and his legs were not convenient.

Several daughter-in-laws are all women, even if they enter under the bed, they want to pull out Zhao Wenshui for fear of not having that ability.

But if Zhao Wenshui was kept hiding under the bed and he couldn't clean up, how could he swallow this breath!

"If you are more acquainted, please come out quickly. Don't force me to do it. You will have to eat with you." Zhao Baoshan warned.

Zhao Wenshui replied aggrievedly, "Father, I will be beaten anyway, I will not come out if I come out late and be beaten later..."

Zhao Baoshan saw Zhao Wenshui’s splashy appearance that made people angry and anxious, so he said from the side Li Cuiying, “The second wife brought the iron fork at home. If he doesn’t come out, I’ll use the fork to kill him!”

The iron fork mentioned in Zhao Baoshan’s mouth is a farm tool. It is used to fork rice. The handle is very long. The top is shaped like a horn, but it is iron and sharp. If it is really inserted into a person’s body, it can Fork to death.

Hearing what Zhao Baoshan said, Zhao Wenshui was scared to pee out of his pants directly under the bed.

Isn't his father too cruel, he can come up with this trick?

She is not merciful to him at all, she is his own son anyway.

"Father, I come out, I will come out when I come out!" After Zhao Wenshui shivered, he hurriedly crawled out from under the bed.

However, as soon as he came out, he greeted the wooden stick in Zhao Baoshan's hand.

"Kill you beast, don't you come out? Keep hiding!"

The wooden stick fell on Zhao Wenshui's body. Zhao Wenshui was in pain for a while and yelled, "Father, it hurts me to death, don't hit it!"

Zhao Baoshan snorted coldly as he hit, "Stop hitting? You beast still knows it hurts? I don't want to think about what I have done, should I hit it!"

Zhao Wenshui hurriedly admitted his mistake, "Father, I was wrong, I was wrong, I will never dare to do it again! You just forgive me this time!"

Zhao Baoshan was not so good at talking, and snorted coldly, "Don't dare? Can you keep your memory? Last time I said I didn't dare, didn't I do too much this time?"

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