At the moment of despair, I suddenly saw a man walking in the distance.

The man was pulling the cart. There were some goods on the cart. Because the sun was so hot, and with so many things pulled, the man’s head was so hot that there was a lot of sweat.

This man Li Cuiying found out that she actually knew him. This was the bachelor of their Shuilan Village, Zhao Ping.

Zhao Ping pulled the cart to the shade of the tree where Li Cuiying was resting, and rested for a while.

After walking such a long way, even though he was a man, he couldn't handle it.

Take a break to chat, cool off, and then continue.

Li Cuiying was embarrassed to say hello to Zhao Ping. Zhao Ping greeted Li Cuiying with a smile after seeing Li Cuiying resting in the shade.

"Sister-in-law, I ran into you?"

To the honest smile on Zhao Ping’s face, Li Cuiying smiled embarrassedly, “Yes, it’s a coincidence, I didn’t expect you to meet Brother Zhao...”

"Sister-in-law, where are you going?"

"Back to my family!" Li Cuiying replied.

Zhao Ping responded, and then asked curiously, "Is my sister-in-law's family in Lijiacun?"

"Yes, in Lijiacun, Brother Zhao asked what this did?"

Zhao Ping smiled again and said, "I also want to help people send things to Lijiacun. If my sister-in-law doesn't mind, can we two go there together?"

Zhao Ping is a bachelor and has no fields at home, so he picks up some rough jobs nearby on weekdays.

Today, I helped a family in the village deliver things to Lijia Village, and I can earn 20 cents by pulling the things this time.

He didn't have much money, but it didn't take long for him to work hard, and he was fine at home anyway.

After finishing talking, Zhao Ping realized that he had said something was wrong, and embarrassed, "Sister-in-law, offended... If the sister-in-law is afraid that others will see the gossip, you don’t have to be with me... I just think the journey is long, and the two of them talked something on the way People pass the time."

Seeing Zhao Ping's kindness, Li Cuiying said, "Then let's be company together. When others see it, they will just talk. Anyway, I am also separated, and I don't care about the reputation."

There was a touch of shock in Zhao Ping's eyes when he heard Li Cuiying say peace.

" didn't joking, did you? You and Wen Shui have reconciled?"

"Um..." Li Cuiying replied, "I just left today, so I'm rushing back to her family's home now."

Zhao Ping didn't know what to say for a while, after all, he was just an outsider, and he couldn't mix things about the husband and wife together to say something, let alone ask others why they separated.

Since others have made such a big decision, they must have their own reasons.

"Sister-in-law, then you will live your life well in the future. In fact, there is nothing you can't do by yourself. I have lived by myself for so many years!"

After Zhao Ping was silent for a few seconds, he said something.

Li Cuiying twitched her lips and laughed, "Yes, no one in this world can live without who can't live. I also hope that I can live a good life in the future."

The two said a few words, and Zhao Ping took out a water bag from the cart.

The things I pulled on the road were heavy and very hot. I knew I would be thirsty, so Zhao Ping brought more water.

Li Chuncui was a little excited after seeing it, but was embarrassed to ask Zhao Ping for water.

Zhao Ping didn't notice Li Cuiying's look, so he picked up the water bag and poured it into his stomach.

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