Then I heard a "pop", let alone hitting the face, it hurts even when it sounds.

Murong Shuang was slapped by Zhao Yuner's slap for a moment, and a fiery pain appeared on his face, and it took a while to react.

At this moment, his eyes were red, and he wanted to be like Zhao Yuner.

"Bitch, you dare to hit me, I'm a daughter of a magnificent first-rank family, how can you hit me!"

At this moment, Murong Shuang not only felt pain on her face, but mainly because she lost her face. He wanted to teach Zhao Yun'er, but Zhao Yun'er gave him a lesson.

Has anyone ever dared to slap her on weekdays, and this is the first time she has suffered such a grievance.

His parents were reluctant to touch her, but Zhao Yuner blushed.

"Why can't I slap you? You have already waved your hands at me. Could it be possible that I didn't avoid it and even stretched out my face to slap you?

I know that you are a daughter of everyone, but the laws of our Great Zhou Kingdom do not arbitrarily stipulate that nobles can beat civilians for no reason. I hope that Miss Murong will not be okay to pick things up, so as not to suffer herself, but to cry and say Mine is not. "

" bitch, I won't be able to get around you when I turn around!" Murong Shuang covered his face and replied angrily, but he dared not rush into the house impulsively.

This time she took few people, but there were two guards. Since she couldn't beat Zhao Yun'er herself, it was okay to let the two guards clean up Zhao Yun'er.

Murong Shuang screamed at the two guards behind him, "Are you two idiots blind? You don't know when to do it? Hurry up and teach me this bitch!"

The two guards behind Murongshuang listened to the order and hurried forward to prepare for Zhao Yun'er.

At this time, a milk doll came back from the yard, it was Doudou.

When Doudou saw that the two guards should not act on Zhao Yun'er, he shouted, "Don't bully my mother, have you bad guys heard? If you bully my mother, I will take care of you."

However, who would care about a milk doll, so Doudou's warning was completely useless.

The two guards continued to walk towards Zhao Yun'er, and Zhao Yun'er had a sharp look in her eyes.

Murong Shuang brought two guards, and he obviously had this martial arts, and it was indeed a bit tricky for him to deal with this kind of trained guards.

"Don't bully my mother!" Doudou saw Zhao Yun'er in danger, and continued to yell.

Only then did Murong Shuang turned his head and looked at Doudou.

Doudou's face was somewhat similar to Mu Lianfeng's appearance, and he knew it was Mu Lianfeng's biological son.

When she returned to Shizi Mansion, Mrs. Mu told her some of the situation and at the same time told Doudou about the existence.

Knowing that Zhao Yuner actually gave birth to a son for Mulianfeng, Murongshuang was extremely jealous.

How can any woman feel at ease when she sees a man she likes and other women have children?

Seeing Doudou at this time, Murong Shuang was even more crazy.

When Doudou rushed towards Zhao Yuner, she was stopped by Murongshuang.

Murong Shuang twisted Doudou's collar and said coldly, "Little bastard, don't go there!"

Doudou struggled a few times in Murongshuang's hands, "Let go of me, let me go, you are the villain who bullied my mother!"

Murong Shuang's hand still didn't mean to let go.

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