Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 1986: Mulianfeng came back

Murong Shuang snorted in pain.

How dare you bite her?

I'm so impatient!

Murongshuang had to loosen it because of the pain, holding Doudou's hand.

Looking down, there are clear teeth marks in the place where Doudou has bitten. You can tell that the bite is not light.

It's really ruthless to start!

Be like her mother!

Murong Shuang's eyes were spitting fire, how could she easily let Doudou go, seeing Doudou ran towards the two guards, hurriedly chased after him, raised the palm of his hand, and wanted to slap it down.

Zhao Yuner's heart was startled. If this slap fell on Doudou's face, no matter how small a child could bear it, he would probably be beaten to vomit blood.

Zhao Yuner struggled to stop Murongshuang, but she was caught tightly by the two guards, unable to move at all, and she was unable to stop Murongshuang.

Zhao Yuner's eyes were red, and she secretly vowed in her heart that if this woman really hurt Doudou, she would never spare her lightly.

Originally, she could choose to have nothing to do with Murong Shuang, she did not take the initiative to provoke her, and she would not tease her.

But this woman just likes to challenge her bottom line and do things she doesn't like to see.

Seeing Murong Shuang's hand was about to fall, at this moment, a stone flew over and hit Murong Shuang's hand all at once.

Murong Shuang withdrew his hand for a while.

Murong Shuang frowned and looked behind, and saw Mu Lianfeng stepping forward with a gloomy face, his expression seemed to be cannibalistic.

After seeing Mu Lianfeng, Murong Shuang immediately reduced the fierceness on his face and became a lot more tender.

With a smile on the corners of his mouth, he said to Mulianfeng, "Cousin... are you here?"

Mulianfeng snorted coldly, and the expression in Murongshuang's eyes became colder, "Are you here to bully my woman, bully my child? Who gave you the rights? Murongshuang, how are you at home? I don’t care about rampant and domineering, but I hope you can recognize yourself and don’t run outside to run wild.

With Mulianfeng's maintenance, Doudou grievedly rushed towards Mulianfeng and threw himself into his arms.

He was also frightened just now.

After all, he is a child, how can he withstand so much fright and toss?

Mu Lianfeng picked up Doudou, comforting Doudou, "Okay Doudou, don't be afraid, father is here, father will take good care of you."

Doudou nodded heavily and responded.


Murong Shuang made an anxious defense against Shang Mu Lianfeng's cold face.

"Cousin... I... how can you treat me like this for this mother and son? I'm your cousin... What do they do?"

The more she thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved. She finally rushed from Kyoto to Yangcheng, wasn't it just to see her cousin?

But Mulianfeng went to Shuilan Village and said that he was busy with the affairs of the court. Murong Shuang had never known it. It was clearly Mu Lianfeng's excuse, that he wanted to avoid seeing her.

She wants to marry him, but now it is becoming more and more difficult because of Zhao Yun'er and Doudou.

Before Zhao Yuner and Doudou, Mulianfeng was still good to her. Although there is no friendship between men and women, he treats her as a younger sister, and will not scold her like he does now.

Think about the original tender cousin suddenly changed, cold and even hostile towards her, all this is to blame Zhao Yuner and Doudou.

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