Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 1996: Buy a house in Yangcheng

Because Zhao Wenshui knocked off a front tooth, he directly leaked his speech and appeared slurred.

No one else passed by on this road, so they could only lie on the ground.

At this moment, I hope someone from the village will pass by and see him, so that someone can send him back.

As for Ma Xiaofeng's house, Qian Chunxiu sighed heavily after seeing Zhao Wenshui leave.

Ma Xiaofeng put down the knife in his hand, walked to Qian Chunxiu, and told Qian Chunxiu, "Mother, next time you don't care about this kind of person again, if he dares to come to our house again, you will just kill him with the knife. He, just like me today, I think he dare not dare."

Qian Chunxiu sighed and responded, "Little Fengniang knows, and I won't let him come again."

"Well, mother, now our family is different from before. Our family has to pay attention to it. Originally, the reputation is not good, so I can't stand it anymore.

It's okay for the two of us. It doesn't matter if others say it or not, but we have to think about Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu is ostracized by other children in the village and is often bullied. "

Thinking of Ma Xiaoyu, Ma Xiaofeng felt very guilty.

If it wasn't for her and her mother, she wouldn't have to be bullied so much.

Although Ma Xiaoyu was wronged outside and did not come back, she occasionally ran into it with her own eyes.

"This mother knows, we are sorry Xiao Yu, we better move out of the village to earn money in the future, buy a house in other places, no one knows us, there will be no such rumors." Qian Chunxiu sighed.

And Ma Xiaofeng also happened to have this plan.

Ma Xiaofeng wanted to buy a small residence in Yangcheng. It doesn't need to be too big, just two or three rooms.

At that time, it will not only be convenient for business, but also send Ma Xiaoyu to the school by the way.

These days, only by studying can we get ahead and get their family out of trouble.

Of course, the most important thing is to leave the village without being pointed and teased by others.

"Mother, now we are slowly accumulating some money in our hands. Although Yangcheng's house is very expensive, we will surely save it for a few years. Yes, maybe it won't take a few years..."

"Why not take a few years?" Qian Chunxiu asked curiously.

Ma Xiaofeng explained, "Mother, it's Zhao Ping'er and Qin Yuan who are going to open a restaurant in Yangcheng. Then they will take me to work together and share my shares. However, I can't pay so much for the restaurant, and the dividend may be less. Some, but definitely more money than setting up a stall in Yangcheng."

Qian Chunxiu was immediately excited when he heard the restaurant opening.

She has also heard of the big restaurants in Yangcheng. The restaurants are very profitable, and many of them are eaten by the rich. As long as they do well and the business is good, there is no need to worry about making money.

It is not impossible to set up a stall to earn a few taels a day. If you open a restaurant, it is not impossible to have a few dozen or hundreds of taels in a day.

This dividend distribution is indeed a lot.

Two or three large rooms in Yangcheng are estimated to cost one or two hundred taels. Relying on the dividends of the restaurant to save money, it will take a long time to actually buy them.

Qian Chunxiu muttered with joy, "Well, good, this is good, you can make a lot of money when you open a restaurant, I hope I can make more."


"By the way, Xiaofeng, you can get a lot of money to open a restaurant. Where did Zhao Ping'er and Qin Yuan get so much money to open a restaurant?" Qian Chunxiu's eyes were full of doubt.

Ma Xiaofeng said, "It seems that Zhao Ping'er's aunt gave a lot of money. We are looking for a storefront to rent in Yangcheng these days, and we are preparing to open it."

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