Zhao Yuner came to the old Zhao's house to discuss with Feng Changxia about setting up a banquet, and waiting for Zhao Tianhu to prepare for his marriage.

Now Zhao Tianhu's marriage is almost over, and two days later, he will go to the wife's house to welcome her and marry Jinju back.

These days, the people in Dafang have made preparations, and Zhao Tianhu's wedding room has been prepared, and the conditions for welcoming the bride are naturally ripe.

Zhao Tianhu was also aside, with a shy expression on his face.

After so many days, he longed forward to marry Jin Ju back, and now he finally fulfilled his wish.

Now, as long as he thinks that he also has a wife, Zhao Tianhu is very excited.

Feng Changxia is also very concerned about her son's marriage. As long as Zhao Yun'er explained what was needed, she took it down seriously.

"Yun'er girl, do you need anything else? Think about it, don't leave anything behind, otherwise it will be troublesome to go to town again."

Zhao Yuner shook her head, "No, just follow these to buy it."

"That's OK!"

Feng Changxia estimated in her heart that it would cost a couple of dollars to buy these things and complete them.

After all, there are things for the wife. Marrying a daughter-in-law is not easy, and all the expenses are very large.

Fortunately, I got fifteen taels of silver from Zhao Wenshui before. With this money, I can get richer.

I originally planned to build a house, but now I think about it.

Building a house is a lot of money, although I don't need to see Zhao Wenshui every day, but it makes my family's life tight.

It’s not long since Zhao Tianlong takes the exam for a few people. Once Zhao Tianlong is admitted, he will be able to be an official. When they are still living in a broken house in the country, they will definitely move to a big house in the city together.

It would be wasteful to build a separate house in the country.

It is better to buy more delicious food with this silver during this time, and improve the quality of life at home.

A few people discussed it, and they heard Zhao Wenshui yelling from afar.

When looking at the gate of the yard, Zhao Wenshui was dragged back from his injuries, and the whole person looked miserable.

I don't know if Zhao Wenshui was beaten by someone or what happened.

However, Zhao Wenshui was hurt so badly that no one in the old Zhao family cared about the distress. They all knew that Zhao Wenshui was a bastard, and no matter how much he suffered, he deserved it.

Feng Changxia glanced at Zhao Wenshui and saw that Zhao Wenshui had knocked out one of his teeth. She was angry and disgusted when she saw Zhao Wenshui. It was rare that there was no evil words at each other. Instead, she pretended to be concerned and asked, "Yeah, brother, what are you? What's up, who beat you so hard?

Run out well, could it possibly provoke anyone again? "

Zhao Wenshui was too painful to speak, and of course he didn't want to speak.

Zhao Ping explained, "Sister-in-law, I saw that Brother Wenshui was injured like this on the road, and I don’t know what’s wrong. It seems that his teeth are knocked out, his hands are also dislocated, and there are scars on his legs. It’s really miserable. ...Would you like to help him into the house? Help him find a doctor to come over and take a look. This injury should be handled properly, otherwise it will be serious!"

Zhao Wenshui was injured in this way, and the people of the old Zhao family were gloating and caring about him before he was too happy.

His life and death have nothing to do with them in the final analysis.

Feng Changxia refused: "I'm busy at the moment. Who has time to take care of him, please give him a doctor!"

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