Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2008: Zhou Damei's reluctance

Everyone laughed for a moment, "It's alright, Zhou Damei, don't pretend to be in front of us. We can all see how you are to Ju'er girl. It's not you who have said a few words."

Zhou Damei angrily said, "You mother-in-laws, you have not seen the person who meets the relatives, just talk about Juer's daughter-in-law's house. Wouldn't it be possible to talk about it after reading it?"

"Well, let's take a look again, and the time should be coming soon."

People and women in a yard were waiting. If the people who came to pick up the family were not good enough, some said Zhou Damei would be there.

Zhou Damei turned around and entered the house, afraid that he would have to hear the gossips of those smashed mouths in the yard.

At this time, Jin Ju in the room was already dressed and sitting in front of the stool.

She wore a wedding dress and dressed up a little, but she was a pretty lady.

The main foundation is good, and he looks a little delicate.

Zhou Damei's eyes lit up and she exclaimed to Jin Ju, "Ah, girl Ju'er, you look so good today, not worse than those rich ladies in town."

Being so complimented, especially Zhou Damei, it is difficult to hear the praise from her mouth, Jin Ju's face turned red, "Mother...I look so good..."

"Good-looking and good-looking, of course good-looking, much better than the other girls in the village! If this is seen by the groom's officer, she must not fascinate her tonight and bow down under your pomegranate skirt."

Zhou Damei said it directly, and Jin Ju understood what it meant, and her face turned redder.

Zhou Damei smiled, "Ju'er girl, what's so embarrassing about this? You are married today. This kind of adult affairs must be experienced."

"Hmm..." Jin Ju replied shyly, his face flushed even harder.

But Zhou Damei took Jin Ju’s hand and sighed, "Hey, Ju'er girl, watching you get married, and being able to marry a good in-law, I am also happy for you in my conscience. Although not your mother, you It's not my daughter. But after being together for such a long time, we will always be a mother and daughter. Watching you get married, you are really reluctant to conscience."

Said that this week Damei actually shed tears and wiped the corners of her eyes with her sleeve.

The first half of this sentence may be false, but the second half of this sentence is really not false.

Seeing Jin Ju getting married, she was naturally reluctant to bear it.

After all, there is Jin Ju, and Jin Ju can help with many tasks, but as soon as Jin Ju gets married, she is left alone in the family, and she has to stick her hands on everything herself.

At her age, she will definitely get tired of doing these tasks. How can Jin Ju feel comfortable at home.

Jin Ju looked up at Zhou Damei, her eyes were also red.

Zhou Damei has treated her harshly over the years, not to mention, at least this time she did not get in the way of marrying her, just for this, Jin Ju was very grateful.

Otherwise, if you just sell her to others and live in a bitter family, then she will see no hope for the rest of her life.

For her, at least the previous suffering has been over, as long as she is with Zhao Tianhu, she believes that she and Zhao Tianhu will work hard together, and the future will always be better.

"Mother, take care of yourself and take good care of my father and brother. Although I am married, I will miss you. I will come back to see you when I have time." Jin Ju choked.

Zhou Damei patted Jin Ju's hand, "That's good, that's good."

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