Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2014: Zhao Wenshui wants to go out for a drink

Zhao Yun'er is already very busy with cooking and side dishes.

After a while, a dish was put on the table.

And Zhao Wenshi is about to start a firecracker, which means that the banquet is open.

Because he was bombed by the artillery battle last time, Zhao Wenshi was also a little bit overwhelmed by the artillery battle this time, so he asked other people to help put it down.

Fortunately, nothing happened, and the banquet opened smoothly.

At this time, Zhao Wenshui was lying in the room.

He was badly injured last time. After Zhao Ping left, he passed out on the bed and didn't get up for a long time. Later, Huo Chunhua really couldn't see it. She was afraid that Zhao Wenshui would really die in the house. At night, she ran out and called Dr. Sun to come over and heal Zhao Wenshui.

However, Zhao Wenshui was so badly injured that he lay in bed for several days and did not recover.

Although people are now sober, they can't move too much.

Zhao Wenshui thought it was better when Li Cuiying was there before.

At any rate, he was injured lying on the bed with personal care. Now, except for three meals a day and red dates, he will send some food, but no one cares about him.

In the hot weather, no one wiped his body. Lying on the bed, he felt a lot of sweat, and he felt that his whole body was a little swish, and it smelled very bad.

He simply can't make it through these days, and he will die if he does this.

At this moment, he suddenly smelled the scent of vegetables outside, and Zhao Wenshui sniffed fiercely.

The food that Qian Hongzao made for him was some vegetarian dishes. He hadn't been stained with oily water or fishy food for many days. As soon as he smelled the scent from the outside, Zhao Wenshui couldn't help swallowing in his stomach.

Thinking of the people in the big room holding a banquet today, if they go out to eat, they will definitely have meat and wine, Zhao Wenshui is even more greedy.

It's a pity that he is a little inconvenient now. There is a piece of wood on his arm, and it hurts even a little bit.

So he yelled at the outside of the house, "Mother, mother~"

Zhao Wenshui yelled, and Huo Chunhua, who was also playing outside at this time, heard it naturally.

Huo Chunhua frowned, went to Zhao Wenshui's room, and replied unhappy.

"On the days of great rejoicing, what do you yell at? Why do you have to call me over?"

Zhao Wenshui said with a bitter face, pitifully rushing to Huo Chunhua, "Mother, it's so lively outside, I'm panicking in the house alone, and I want to go out to have a wedding drink, so you can help me out for a while?"

Huo Chunhua glared at Zhao Wenshui, "Do you still want to serve, brat?"

"Yeah... mother, I haven't eaten meat and drank alcohol for many days, and my stomach is like a roundworm burrowing in. It was okay, but today I can't stand the smell of the outside. If I don't eat it anymore, I will suffer to death.

Mother, you are all sitting outside and eating, so by the way, take me to the table to eat? "

Huo Chunhua took a sip of water on the ground, "I'm pooh, I said the second child, you still don't toss, tell you to eat and drink like this, who wants to sit with you at the table?

When it's done, you just lie in the house obediently. Today is the day of the big day of Tianhu's child. Don't go out and be embarrassed, lest your elder brother and sister-in-law see it and feel uncomfortable, and you are determined to hit you.

Don't suffer, you will regret it! "

How could Zhao Wenshui hear Huo Chunhua's advice.

"Mother, I am embarrassed. I am Tianhu's second aunt. He got married and I went out for a drink. What happened to me?"

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