Zhao Tianhu replied in a naive way, "Take it down then?"

Just take off the hijab from Jin Ju's head to see Jin Ju's beautiful appearance today. He can't wait to take a look immediately, and also wants Jin Ju to take a look at her current beautiful appearance.

"No..." Jin Ju replied shyly.


"The two of us got married. If we take off the hijab now, it will be unlucky. We can only take it out at night... in the bridal chamber at night..."

Jin Ju under the hijab blushed fiercely. Thinking of the bridal chamber at night, Jin Ju was nervous.

Zhao Tianhu was the same. Hearing the word bridal chamber in Old Man Jin's mouth, his ears were red, but he was a little expectant.

She wants to do that with Ju'er. Now that she is his wife, the two of them can do the bridal thing.

"Then...then wait until the bridal chamber is uncovered at night..." Zhao Tianhu stammered a bit. He clenched his clothes because he was nervous, and secretly poked his heart for the night.

"Hmm..." Jin Ju also responded.

Thinking of waiting for some time at night, kumquat chrysanthemum is hungry now, so if you stay up until the night, you still have to be hungry and hungry?

Zhao Tianhu continued to ask with concern, "Ju'er, what do you do if you are hungry? Would you like to get something else for you?"

"No...no need it?" Jin Ju was a little embarrassed to ask.

"Ju'er, it's not about getting hungry. You have to eat something. I'll get you some food!"

With that, Zhao Tianhu turned and left the house.

Since the food cannot be eaten, but other things can be eaten. For example, those cakes and sweets can at least cushion the stomach after eating.

Zhao Tianhu walked out of the house and went to find Feng Changxia.

"Mother!" Zhao Tianhu called out.

"Mother, do you still have those pastries in our house? You bring some out for me, and I'll give them to Ju'er. She hasn't eaten yet! I'm a little hungry."

Feng Changxia patted her head, only then did she think of Jin Ju.

Quickly nodded and said, "Okay, mother will go get some."


When Feng Changxia arrived in the house, all the delicious things were placed in Shen Pan'er, so that Shen Pan'er could take it to Zhao Yangyang.

Now the Shen family are also in the house, pulling Shen Pan'er to chat together.

Feng Changxia was a little embarrassed when she entered, with a smile on her face, "You talk to you, leave me alone, I'll just get some food out."

However, as soon as Feng Changxia untied the bag, Zhao Yangyang stopped Feng Changxia displeasedly, "Grandma, you said that these things are for me to eat, where do you want to take it now? Who do you want to eat?"

Feng Changxia coaxed, "Yangyang, your second aunt is hungry. Now grandma grabs something for her to eat, otherwise she will be starved."

Zhao Yangyang replied voluntarily, "No. Grandma, you said before, these things are for Yangyang alone, so how come they are being eaten by others?"

Feng Changxia was stunned, "Yang Yang, but your second aunt has nothing else to eat. Now you let your grandma get some, and tomorrow grandma buys it and pays it back to you?"

Zhao Yangyang shielded the pastry with one hand, and said with a stubborn little face, "No, grandma can't help but count. If you give it to Yangyang, you can't give it to others, or you will get angry, and you won't care about grandma again!"

Feng Changxia's face sank, what should I do now?

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