Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2024: Noisy bridal chamber

When she heard that she was going to work in the kitchen, Shen Pan'er suddenly resisted.

She hates the greasy place in the kitchen the most. She will make her hands and body very unpleasant when doing work, so she doesn't want to step in.

Fortunately, she has done housework only a few times since she has been at the old Zhao's house.

Unexpectedly, this time, Feng Changxia took the initiative to find her and let her help.

Shen Pan'er's face is not very good, and she reluctantly replied, "Mother, I still have to take care of Yang Yang. What if Yang Yang helps me with work?"

Feng Changxia smiled and said, "Leave Yangyang to your father, your father will be fine."

Shen Pan'er was still a little unhappy, "Mother, would you like Dad to help?"

"How can you do it, your father is a big man, how can he be busy in the kitchen?" Feng Changxia looked serious.

"But mother..."

Shen Pan'er was about to refuse, and Feng Changxia said again, "Pan'er, mother, isn't there no way to find you? I didn't let you do any housework at ordinary times. This is because I didn't have enough manpower to call you. I am busy today. After that, I won’t let you do these tasks again. Wouldn’t you be unwilling to even pack it once?”

Feng Changxia has said so, if she refuses again, she will not be blamed by Feng Changxia.

I'm not afraid of anything else, I'm afraid that Feng Changxia will turn around and tell Zhao Tianlong bad things about her, saying that she is arrogant, the eldest lady's temperament, and she doesn't know how to be filial to her in-laws. And Zhao Tianlong pays the most attention to filial piety. She does not want to affect her image in Zhao Tianlong's heart.

Shen Pan'er reluctantly replied, "Well, mother, I will come out to help."

Feng Changxia's originally serious face looked a little better.

If Shen Pan'er can't persist, she will definitely be unhappy.

Shen Pan'er is the eldest lady of the Shen family, she can't be arrogant in front of her mother-in-law.

Sometimes you have to recognize your identity, and as a daughter-in-law, you have to do what a daughter-in-law does.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were busy working in the kitchen. Because they were reluctant in their hearts, Shen Pan'er was a little frustrated while working.

Seeing that the pink skirt accidentally rubbed the dust on the wall and was dirty, Shen Pan'er suddenly felt distressed.

Really, she got her clothes dirty after doing all the work, regardless of how much the clothes were bought.

Shen Pan'er's face was melancholy, praying that it would be best to do the housework for the last time. If she was allowed to do it in the future, she would definitely not do it again.

After all, it's all to blame for her younger brother and sister who just passed the door.

If she weren't married, how could so many things be born?

Waiting for the dinner to be done, all the members of the old Zhao family came over.

In the evening, only Lao Zhao's family was there, chatting and laughing at the dinner table, and it was quite fast.

Without outsiders' drinking at noon, Zhao Tianhu took the initiative to toast several elders because he was happy, but naturally he didn't drink water.

Because they didn't drink a lot and they were drinking with their parents, Feng Changxia and Zhao Wenshi didn't stop them, but were very happy.

After a while, the whole family drank a lot of wine, and when they finished the banquet, they rushed to the bridal chamber.

When Zhao Tianhu heard of the bridal chamber, his face suddenly blushed, and he was shy.

Some beggingly looked at the booing people of the old Zhao family, "Or don't you stop making trouble? Will I accompany a few more drinks?"

"That's not okay, to accompany the wine is to accompany the wine, the bridal chamber is the bridal chamber, we must have fun!" Zhao Wentao said with a straight face.

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