Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2028: Two men talk about sex

After a while, the Sanfang family went back.

This time, Zhao Tianhu’s wedding was of great interest to everyone, and it was a rare joy for the family to get together.

After Sanfang left, Feng Changxia called Zhao Wenshi to narrate for a while, and said to Zhao Wenshi, "Tianhu, his father, tell you something!"

"What's the matter?" Zhao Wenshi replied curiously.

Feng Changxia pulled Zhao Wenshi to a corner, fearing that others would hear it, and whispered into Zhao Wenshi's ear, "Tianhu, he is like this. You see, our Tianhu is too honest. This is the first time the bridal chamber No experience. Go and talk to him, so that he knows what a bridal chamber is?"

After hearing this, Zhao Wenshi frowned, "Tianhu his mother, shouldn't it? Tianhu is an adult anyway, how can this kind of thing be unknown?"

Feng Changxia said earnestly, "Others may know, but our family Tianhu may not. This child is too honest, I am afraid he will not... You said that if you come back with a wife, if you don’t even know the bridal chamber, we two How can you hold your grandson?"

Zhao Wenshi felt that Feng Changxia's words had some truth, and Zhao Tianhu was really honest and powerful.

No one had mentioned this kind of thing to him, and he couldn't understand it without a teacher.

"But... I am so embarrassed to talk about this kind of thing..." When Zhao Wenshi thought of this kind of thing, his ears were also red.

It's nothing more than discussing this kind of thing with others, and it feels a bit strange to talk to my own son.

"Why are you embarrassed to speak? You are his father, and now he is married to a wife. What's wrong with you saying this kind of thing? If you don't say it, can you expect me to say it?" Feng Changxia snorted softly.

Zhao Wenshi hurriedly said, "Well, how can you tell a woman about this to him? Let me talk about it..."

It's a big deal to be cheeky, and it's all right after talking.

"Well, then go ahead, try to be as straightforward as possible, Tianhu is not like Tianlong, his head is not so bright, if you say too obscure, I am afraid he will not understand."

Zhao Wenshi responded, "I know, I know."

So Zhao Wenshi went to the new house and called Zhao Tianhu.

Zhao Tianhu came out of the room with some embarrassment, walked up to Zhao Wenshi, and asked Zhao Wenshi, "Father, what's the matter with you calling me out?"

Zhao Wenshi smiled wryly, "It's nothing big...I just want to discuss the **** with you..."

It's okay for Zhao Wenshi not to say, Zhao Tianhu's face becomes even more red when he says.

"Father...what's the point..."

Zhao Wenshi cleared his throat and laughed dryly, "I'm afraid you won't... For the first time in life, it is normal to have no experience.

The dad has to worry about you a little bit, now teach you, then you will be more smoothly..."

"Father..." Zhao Tianhu lowered his head again, muttering in his mouth, "This is nothing to teach..."

Zhao Wenshi was stunned, and then his gaze fell on Zhao Tianhu, and he said to Zhao Tianhu ambiguously, "Tianhu said that, do you know how to bridal chambers?"

Zhao Tianhu blushed directly from his face to his neck. When asked by Zhao Wenshi, he didn't know what to say.


Seeing that Zhao Tianhu was shy, Zhao Wenshi didn't say anything, not sure if Zhao Tianhu really knew what to do in the bridal chamber or just talk about it.

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