Jin Ju subconsciously stopped with her hand, and made a murmur in her mouth.

The movement of Zhao Tianhu's hand paused for a while, and then said softly to Jin Ju, "Daughter-in-law, don't be nervous, I will take it slowly, and I will definitely not hurt you!"

Jin Ju slowly released her hand.

Zhao Tianhu smiled with satisfaction at the corner of his mouth and continued to untie his clothes.

Both of them were wearing happy clothes, so it was very cumbersome to untie them. After a while, the two of them slowly faded away from their wives and faced each other naked.

"young married woman······"

Although the room is dark, the two can feel the existence of each other.

Zhao Tianhu's hand stroked Jin Ju's body, and Jin Ju's skin shuddered wherever his hand went.

This soggy feeling is a bit weird, I don't know why, but I like it very much in my heart.

"Daughter-in-law..." The straight thing under Zhao Tianhu was against Jin Ju's lower abdomen, and Jin Ju's face was so hot.

Thinking of the next further actions, Jin Ju became even more nervous.

She has reached the age of being in the cabinet, and it is impossible to be completely ignorant of such things.

She had heard that a woman would bleed for the first time, and she would have abnormal pain.

At this moment, she moved Zhao Tianhu, desperately wanting Zhao Tianhu to complete the next move, no matter where it hurts or not.

What kind of feeling it is, you can only know if you try it.

"Daughter-in-law...I'm coming in, bear with me!" Zhao Tianhu lowered his body and said softly in Jin Ju's ear.

"Good..." Jin Ju replied shyly.

Because the room was so dark, Zhao Tianhu couldn't find the door while carrying something, so he could only fumble little by little.

After doing this for a few minutes, both of them were extremely anxious.

Zhao Tianhu was a bit more impatient than Jin Ju, and he was unfamiliar the first time, and he was not so easy to succeed.

But if he is too late to enter, the thing below is really uncomfortable. The most important thing is that he is a man. If he can't do this kind of thing, he seems to lose face, and he will be even more unable to raise his head in front of his wife. Up.

"Daughter-in-law...I..." The more eager Zhao Tianhu is, the more difficult it is to succeed. Seeing that he didn't get in for a long time, Zhao Tianhu apologized to Jin Ju.

Jin Ju had already been caught in the fire by Zhao Tianhu. At this moment, he was eager to relieve the fire. As a result, Zhao Tianhu didn't move at the moment, and he felt a little lost.

However, Jin Ju comforted Zhao Tianhu and said, "Msang Gong, you may be too tired today, or let's take a good rest tonight, and wait until tomorrow we can rest..."

Why didn't Zhao Tianhu know that Jin Ju was comforting him? He knew that his condition today was indeed not so good, but if he gave up like this now, he would have a psychological shadow, and he would not know whether it would work tomorrow!

Zhao Tianhu whispered a little shyly, "Ju'er, this is the day when we got married. If we get a bridal chamber at night, what is it to be a bridal chamber? This is the first time for our mother. Once it succeeded. And... and the thing below me is still hard, if I don’t do it now, it’s probably not going to be soft tonight..."

After hearing what Zhao Tianhu said, Jin Ju responded with a laugh.

Anyway, the body is very hot at the moment, and I will definitely not fall asleep, so I might as well continue to try, if it succeeds, their marriage and bridal chamber today will be complete.

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