Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2047: Men are the least reliable

Of course, what Zhao Tianhu said was just a joke, not really.

Zhao Yuner didn't care, "What's the matter then? Shi Ziye won't despise me! It's not bad if I don't despise him!"

Zhao Tianhu smiled, "Sister Yun'er, I didn't expect you to be cute when you are narcissistic.

What kind of person is the son? He has an extraordinary identity, and there will be no shortage of women around him. You have to take good care of it, and you must not change your mind.

The most unreliable person in this world is men. Don't believe in men, because men are the easiest to change their hearts. "

Zhao Yun'er was amused by Zhao Tianhu, but he didn't expect that his simple and honest second cousin would also say this, which really surprised him.

Zhao Yuner couldn't help but joked, and then asked Zhao Tianhu, "Second cousin, you said that, as a man, are you easy to change your heart?"

Zhao Tianhu's face blushed slightly, and then weakly said: "Of course I won't!"

His daughter-in-law is so good, good-looking and hardworking and virtuous, he will change his mind unless he is stupid.

The other men in the village can never find anyone whose daughter-in-law is better than his.

"Second cousin, since you don't know how to do that, why do you think that the old man may be more carefree than you?" Zhao Yuner smiled.

"Sister Yun'er...I am different from Shi Ziye. I am a countryman and I don't have much craftsmanship. It would be nice to be able to marry a wife like Ju'er. There is still a chance to be critical and change my mind.

But the son of the world, with different identities, there must be more beauties around him, and the more temptations he receives, the chances of changing his heart are naturally greater. "

After hearing what Zhao Tianhu said, what he said seemed to make sense, but it was not.

For Mu Lianfeng, Zhao Yuner has full confidence that he will not change his heart.

"Second cousin, what you said is right, but before meeting me, there were many beauties around Shi Ziye, but I only like my unpleasant appearance. It can be seen from Shi Ziye that human looks are not Most importantly. Since you don't like beauties, why are you afraid that he will not be able to withstand the temptation of beauties, empathizing?"

Zhao Tianhu was startled, and nodded after thinking about it, "Sister Yun'er, you seem to make sense. If Shi Ziye likes beautiful people, he won’t be married yet. Sister Yuner can meet a man like Shi Ziye. It's really a blessing!"

Zhao Tianhu grinned, his smile bright and beautiful, very beautiful.

The two of them continued to walk and arrived at Zhao Yuner's house in a short while.

Zhao Tianhu went down to the ground with Zhao Wenhua, saying that he was filling the paddy field with water. It would be inconvenient for Zhao Wenshui to take care of it by himself.

There are not many people who can find help at home. Zhao Tianhu and the people in their house are very close. Generally, they will call Zhao Tianhu for small things. Because they are familiar with each other, they don't feel anything.

After Zhao Yuner came back, she thought about going to the mountain and collecting some wild mushrooms.

For example, eating vegetables at home today, I feel that the food is a bit weak. Since I don’t go to town often, I don’t eat much meat every day.

Wild mushrooms are delicious, so pick some back to improve your food.

Recently, Zhengzhi has been busy with farming and has to work every day. If the food is not exquisite, men will not have so much energy to do the work. Zhao Yuner is thinking about getting something back and improving the food.

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