Zhao Yuner couldn't help but smile when she heard Mu Lianfeng saying this seriously.

She just said casually, but Mulianfeng seemed to take it very seriously.

Mu Lianfeng stretched out his hand and grabbed Zhao Yun'er and said, "Yun'er, you know, I love you not because of your appearance. I have never looked at those beauties. If I care about a person's skin, Maybe I won't insist on being with you.

As for what you said about giving birth to a child is so hurtful... I never knew, if so, Yun'er, we now have Doudou and Tiantian, so we don’t have to be born again. I don’t want you to suffer. "

Mu Lianfeng said something affectionate, and Zhao Yuner was even more moved.

In ancient times, people were prosperous, and if they could afford to raise them, they would have more children.

Especially for people like Mu Lianfeng, basically they will marry several aunts and wives back home and keep having children.

In this era, Mu Lianfeng can have such thoughts, at least it shows that in his heart, he loves Zhao Yuner more than children.

Isn't it a happiness for a woman to find such a man?

When Mulianfeng's words fell, there was a burst of laughter behind the two.

It's Mulan!

Mulan walked up and said jokingly, "Sir, these words between you and Yun'er are really touching. I am envious of Yun'er if I listen to them!"

Then he looked at Zhao Yun'er, "Yun'er, you are so happy, my man is very insensitive, and he is not half as good as his son."

Zhao Yun'er didn't expect Mulan to hear the love story between the two people, feeling very embarrassed.

It was as if the intimacy between her and Mu Lianfeng was discovered.

"Why don't you call Brother Erhu over and let my elder son tune up?" Zhao Yuner also replied jokingly.

Mulan hurriedly waved her hand and said, "Forget it, my second tiger is too dull, and it's not half of the world's son. Even if the world's son teaches, he will definitely not learn.

In this case, stop tossing about it, so as not to waste time.

Hey, maybe my life is like this, not as good as Yuner you! "

The corners of Zhao Yun'er's mouth twitched, and she replied weakly, "Sister-in-law Mulan, you can't tell, you are also a person who likes sweet talk.

To me, sweet words are not practical, as long as Brother Erhu treats you nicely. Brother Erhu is a hard-working person, this kind of people live a solid life together. "

Mulan covered her mouth and smiled, "Yun'er, I know, I just made a joke, but you are serious with me."


After smiling, Mulan said to Zhao Yun'er, "Yun'er, I came to you today because of something. You said yesterday that you were going to the mountain. Do you still go today?

Those cubs in my family clamor for something delicious every day. Let them try the wild mushrooms you mentioned and change their taste.

There are some wild fruits on the mountain this season, so pick some and bring them back to eat. "

Zhao Yun'er nodded in response, "Well, I'll go in the afternoon!"

"Okay, then I will come to see you in the afternoon. By the way, do you still have eggs? Borrow me a few and want to fry some rice for them at noon... I don’t know what’s wrong with my chicken. Laying eggs, of course, there are not many chickens in the house, so go back to the town and buy some back.

Today’s days are not like before. You can’t suffer the children. You can get them some good things. "

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