Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2059: "Serve" her well

"Okay, miss!"

There was also a vicious look in this woman's eyes.

This country woman really wants to compete with their young lady for a man.

Miss treats her like this now, she asked for it.

After arriving at Zhao Yun'er, the maid squatted down, pinched Zhao Yun'er's mouth, and directly poured the whole bowl of soup into Zhao Yun'er's mouth.

This big bowl of thick soup is very bitter, Zhao Yuner wants to struggle, but her hands and feet are tightly bound, how can she use a little bit of strength?

After drinking the whole bowl of decoction, Zhao Yuner coughed a few times, and wanted to vomit, vomiting all the bitterness in her mouth.

"Miss, the old bustard who is full of flowers said, this bowl of soup will go down, and it will happen soon!" The maid stood up and rushed to the side Murong Shuang.

Murong Shuang replied, with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at Zhao Yuner on the ground, as if he had seen Zhao Yuner's sad future.

"Call someone in!" Murong Shuang ordered again.

"Yes, miss!"

With that said, the maid walked a few steps and went to the door of the house, and greeted a few men who came in. These men had gray-headed faces and dressed up like beggars. It was disgusting at first glance.

Murong Shuang squatted down and said with Zhao Yun'er with a smile, "Wait for the effects of the medicine on your body, and enjoy these men in a while, haha..."

Zhao Yuner immediately understood what Murongshuang meant.

The aphrodisiac was given to her just now, and when the effect of the medicine started, she was afraid that she could not control herself, and instead rushed towards these men.

I have to say that Murong Shuang's method of instigating yin is really scary.

"Aren't you afraid that your cousin knows? He won't spare you!" Zhao Yuner said angrily.

Murongshuang shrugged, "Do you have any evidence that I did this? Zhao Yun'er, it is not easy to say that I am, I hope you will recognize it clearly and don't be okay."

Seeing Murongshuang means to kill her and refuse to admit it. Indeed, as she said, there is no evidence. She did it for her.

At that time, he could only rely on Mu Lianfeng's trust, but even so, without evidence, it would not be easy for Mu Lianfeng to blame Zhao Yuner.

"Miss, stop talking with her, let's go out to watch the fun!" The maid on the side reminded.

Murong Shuang reduced the smile from the corner of his mouth, nodded in response, "Okay!"

Before Murong Shuang left the house, he greeted the beggars, "Take care of me!"

And Zhao Yuner's body also slowly heated up.

The effect of Huamanlou's aphrodisiac has worked, and a certain desire in her heart has become stronger, Zhao Yun'er is still trying her best to control herself and keep herself awake.

However, she can hold on for a while. Those beggars who haven't met a woman for a long time have already beamed their eyes when facing such a delicate woman as Zhao Yuner, and they can't wait to rush over.

These people slowly approached Zhao Yun'er and began to untie the rope on Zhao Yun'er.

Zhao Yuner felt her body loose and was free for a moment.

Those wolf-like beggars wiped the saliva from the corners of their mouths, and smiled wretchedly, "Little lady, don't be afraid, we will take care of you and make you comfortable!"

"Yeah, yeah, little beauty, take good care of our brothers and promise to make you cool!"

These people stretched out their hands to touch his body, and Zhao Yun'er opened them before they got close.

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