Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2069: Can't help but eat you

The doctor twisted his brows, then shook his head and sighed, "This medicine can't be solved by other methods except for intercourse.

The son... If you don't want this girl to lose her life, you still want her. I believe she will not blame you after knowing it.

After all, chastity doesn’t matter much... in the future you will marry a couple, this is not a big deal..."

Ye Li asked unwillingly again, "Doctor, is there really no other way?"

The doctor still shook his head, "My son, there really is no way. Not only I can't do it alone, but the doctors in Kyoto can't find a way.

Please forgive the old man for his inability..."

Ye Li's face sank. Seeing the doctor's appearance, there really was no other way, and he couldn't make it difficult.

Even if the doctor is killed now, Zhao Yuner cannot be saved.

The doctor got up and said at the same night, "This young man, the back room is left for you. The old man will go out to help other patients see the doctor. The young man has decided whether to save this girl through this method."

The doctor got up and left after speaking.

Ye Li stared at Zhao Yun'er who was lying on the couch. At this moment, Zhao Yun'er's face became more red and hot, and the situation was worse than before.

As Zhao Yun'er got warmer, she kept tearing her clothes.

"It's hot..." Zhao Yuner murmured, her mouth was dry and astringent, and it was terribly uncomfortable.

Ye Li stood guard by the side, feeling very anxious but powerless, always feeling uncomfortable.

Especially when she saw Zhao Yuner's painful face, Ye Li felt her heart hurt badly.

"Yun'er..." Ye Li whispered in Zhao Yun'er's ear.

Zhao Yun'er opened her eyes and met Ye Li's exquisitely beautiful face.

"You... keep a distance from me, stay away from me..." Zhao Yuner said these words with some difficulty.

"Yun'er..." Ye Li was a little puzzled, wondering what Zhao Yun'er meant by saying this?

Is she blaming him?

Seeing Ye Li's doubts, Zhao Yuner frowned painfully, and explained with some difficulty, "You are too close to me, I'm afraid I can't help but eat you..."


Ye Li was stunned, and then he understood what Zhao Yun'er meant by eating him?

His face even turned red, and according to what Zhao Yuner said, he helped to keep a distance from Zhao Yuner.

Zhao Yuner felt that she almost couldn't control herself, and she had to do something.

Waiting for the complete loss of consciousness, he was really afraid of impulsive things.

Zhao Yuner stretched out her hand, touched the hairpin stuck in her head, and then took it off.

He gritted his teeth, cruelly, and cut a huge wound on his arm.

Then blood poured out from his arm.

Zhao Yuner felt a slight pain at this time, and it was this pain that made her sober a lot.

A **** smell filled the nose, but Zhao Yuner hooked her mouth and laughed.

Because this soberness dilutes her desires, she feels much better.

Ye Li was a little frightened. Looking at Zhao Yun'er's bleeding arm, he hurriedly asked Zhao Yun'er, "Yun'er, what are you doing? How can you hurt yourself? Stop it!"

"Don't worry about me, just give me a pain, I can wake up."

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