Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2077: Gentlemen's Friends

Ye Li didn't know why, Mu Lianfeng said that he wanted to separate his relationship with him, and even let Zhao Yun'er separate his relationship with him.

And he least likes to see this situation.

He saved Zhao Yuner, never caring about the gains and losses and rewards.

He had Zhao Yuner in his heart, even if he gave his life to Zhao Yuner, there was absolutely no complaint.

Now that Zhao Yuner happened to be saved, he naturally didn't ask for anything in return.

There was a lot of Ye Li's words, and Mu Lianfeng's heart became more vigilant.

He hoped that Ye Li could speak and give some conditions so that he could satisfy him.

Not mentioning any conditions now will only make him feel more owed.

"This son... If you don't ask for anything, Yun'er and I will feel owed in our hearts, you really don't want anything?" Mu Lianfeng was silent for a moment, and asked this sentence hesitantly.

"I and Yun'er are friends. Do you think that when friends help each other, they still account for these gains and losses?" Ye Li smiled and asked back.

His smile was very calm, and Mulianfeng was slightly startled when he saw it.

Ye Li said again, "I know that the person Yun'er likes is you. You can rest assured that I am not a villain and will not do those nasty things. I am a gentleman's friend with Yun'er, you don't have to guard me ."

Mu Lianfeng looked at Ye Li's eyes, his eyes were so clear that people couldn't help but believe what he said.

If it is really like what Ye Li said, he would have a little bit of heart to save a gentleman's belly.

"Since the son is so calm, you are Yun'er's friend and will be my friend in the future." Mu Lianfeng smiled slightly, smiling like a breeze.

The two men were in a hostile state, but now they smiled at each other.

Mulianfeng felt that he should believe in the relationship between him and Zhao Yuner.

They love each other so much, so why not even Ye Li loves Zhao Yuner? Are you afraid that they will be together?

If he maintains this suspicion and distrust, it can only show that he is not loyal to his love with Zhao Yuner.

"Daddy, Doudou is so hungry, where's my mother? I caught a lot of snails, and let my mother give Doudou fried snails." Doudou's little Lala Mu Lianfeng said expectantly.

"Your mother is a little uncomfortable. She is resting in the house and may not be able to cook tonight."

"Ah? Is the mother injured?" Doudou's face was also stained with worry.

Mu Lianfeng hurriedly comforted a few words, "It's nothing big, Doudou don't have to worry too much."

Just when Doudou was thinking of seeing Zhao Yuner in Zhao Yuner's room, Zhao Yuner had already walked out.

"Mother~" Doudou immediately ran to Zhao Yuner.

"Yun'er, why didn't you rest well and ran out of bed?" Mu Lianfeng's face was stained with worry.

"I'm fine!" Zhao Yuner replied with a smile.

The wound on his body was broken and some blood shed. It was a trauma, and it was not serious.

After the medicine on his body was relieved, he was uncomfortable at this time. After taking a break, I felt a lot more relaxed.

Thinking of the hare and fungus that Mulan sent over, Liang Jinqiao would definitely not do it.

Staying overnight for dinner, I have to bring some food out to entertain him, and I can't seem too shabby.

I just vaguely heard that Doudou had brought back the snails. It is estimated that Liang Jinqiao would not be able to do this. She had to come out.

Although the left hand is injured, the right hand is fine for cooking.

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