Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2080: The atmosphere of Zhao Yuner's house

After Liang Jinqiao tasted the snails, he took the toothpick and picked out a piece of snails, just like Zhao Yuner, and chewed in his mouth.

While eating, he muttered, "This fragrant and spicy taste is the easiest to drink.

Your fourth uncle and your second cousin helped our family a lot today. If it weren’t for our family’s too late today, something went wrong, it would be nice to call your fourth uncle and your second cousin over for a drink. . "

Zhao Yuner simply said, "Mother, although it is a bit late now, it is estimated that the fourth uncle and the second cousin have just eaten, and it would be good to send some to give them a try.

In addition to fried so many snails, we also have a lot of rabbit meat. The soup of this fungus can also be sent to let them try. "

Zhao Yuner pointed to the things on the stove.

Especially rabbit meat and snails, if you can't eat them at night, they won't be fresh until tomorrow, and the taste will naturally be worse.

So make a time for them in the evening, even if they have already eaten it, but it does not prevent you from adding a meal in the evening as a supper.

The main thing is that it doesn't pad your stomach at all, and it doesn't matter if you eat it.

"That's fine, let you go to Tianan, don't worry about this, don't go, your body is not good!" Liang Jinqiao exhorted, fearing that Zhao Yuner would leave again and ran away in person.

Zhao Yuner nodded, "Okay mother, let's pretend to be a little bit, and send some to my fourth uncle and second cousin these two days."


Zhao Yun'er found a lunch box, and Liang Jinqiao was not stingy, and filled a large bowl for them alone.

You can definitely have a good meal after you go back.

Liang Jinqiao also asked Zhao Tianan to ask Zhao Tianan to pick the snail meat with a toothpick, so that Zhao Wentao and Zhao Tianhu didn't know how to eat it.

And Zhao Yuner's family was eating dinner openly.

There was a long delay today, so the family's stomachs were groaning with hunger.

As soon as the food was on the table, he immediately gathered to come over.

In order to entertain Ye Li, Zhao Yuner not only fried snails, but also some rabbit meat, some vegetables, and vegetarian food.

There are a lot of small vegetables at home, and Zhao Yuner is not stingy and makes a lot.

So there is a large table of dishes.

Seeing this kind of reception, Ye Li looked embarrassed, "The food is so rich, it looks like I'm here to eat..."

"Gongong, don't be polite to eat. Today there are a few more dishes than usual. The food in our family has always been very good." Zhao Wenhua greeted him.

Ye Li greeted everyone to move the chopsticks together, otherwise he would be embarrassed to eat it alone.

Fortunately, Zhao Yuner's family was very relaxed when eating, without any restraint at all.

Seeing the atmosphere at the dinner table is good, the family is very warm together, and even the mood of eating Ye Li is much better.

He only stayed in Zhao Yuner's house for an hour, and he felt that the atmosphere of Zhao Yun'er's house made him very fond of it.

If this is how good his home should be, then he can also enjoy living such a life with Zhao Yuner and her relatives.

It is a pity that Ye Li knew in his heart that he was just a passer-by, and it was impossible to stay here for a long time.

It should be cherished if you can stay for a second now.

After a while, Zhao Tianan finished eating, and sat down to eat.

After Zhao Wentao and Zhao Tianhu got the snails sent by Zhao Yuner, they had already eaten them.

But the country folks eat at best, and no one can afford to eat.

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