Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2082: Can't eat alone

Zhao Tianhu has already taken a step forward, walked to Jin Ju, and said softly with Jin Ju, "Ju'er, let's get busy later, eat the food first, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Jin Ju glanced at what Zhao Tianhu was holding in his bowl, there was meat and snails.

She knew that the meat was edible, but she didn't expect this snail to be edible, and it looked good. It smelled the bowl, and it was very fragrant. People couldn't help but want to eat it.

Jin Ju has lived in her natal family for so many years, and has never smelled such a fragrant dish. Although she really wanted to eat it, Jin Ju still restrained herself and asked Zhao Tianhu.

"Msang-gong, should I just eat? Do you want to talk to your mother? And sister-in-law?"

Now they are not separated. Since there is no separation, they cannot eat alone. If they have anything to eat, according to the rules, they should be shared with the family.

Now that Zhao Tianhu brought it into the house and fed it to her alone, Jin Ju felt a little sad.

Zhao Tianhu smiled, "Ju'er, there are only so many. If everyone eats it is not enough, you can eat more if you eat it alone."

Jin Ju frowned and hesitated, "But...but it's not so good for me to go alone? If you want to know that I'm eating alone, I'm definitely not happy..."

Seeing Jin Ju’s worries, Zhao Tianhu hurriedly comforted, “It’s okay Ju'er, our family doesn’t say that we eat alone. Every time my sister-in-law brings a lot of delicious food back from her parents’ house, she doesn’t see her share it with others. She basically ate it by herself and Yangyang.

Sister Yun'er gave us these food because I helped the three uncles and three aunts with their work. These are counted as rewards, so naturally they belong to me. I can control whom to eat. Daughter-in-law, now I just want to feed you alone? "

Jin Ju thought for a while and felt that what Zhao Tianhu said was not unreasonable.

They are together, although they are not separated yet, they are not considered together like other people.

Sometimes some things are calculated separately.

Seeing Jin Ju's entanglement, Zhao Tianhu urged again, "Ju'er, eat it, it's okay, even if something happens, it's my responsibility, and I let you eat it.

If you hesitate any longer, it will really be cold. "

Zhao Tianhu said, he directly picked up the chopsticks, added rabbit meat, and handed it to Jin Ju's mouth, "Ju'er, open your mouth and eat."

Jin Ju opened her mouth in embarrassment, and it turned out that Zhao Tianhu caught rabbit meat.

The taste of rabbit meat is very good. In addition to being very fragrant, it also has a spicy taste, which is particularly refreshing.

It was the first time that she had eaten something so delicious.

"What kind of meat is this?" Jin Ju asked curiously.

"Ju'er, it's rabbit meat."

Jin Ju nodded. On weekdays, their family can't even eat pork, let alone these game dishes.

Ordinary hunters will send the game to the restaurant in the town to sell it for money, and ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

Now the rabbit meat tastes extraordinary, and it is delicious, making people want to continue eating.

"Ju'er, is it delicious?" Zhao Tianhu asked softly.

"It's delicious..." Jin Ju replied astringently.

"Come on, eat it again!" Zhao Tianhu took another piece and handed it to Jin Qiao's mouth.

"My husband, you eat too, don't let me eat it alone!"

"It's okay, I'm not hungry, eat Ju'er!"

"I've just eaten and I'm not hungry. If you don't eat it, I won't eat it!" Jin Ju knew that Zhao Tianhu was reluctant and saved her to eat, which showed her attitude.

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