Zhao Wenshui felt like a useless person. He was so pitiful that nobody cared about it.

He wanted to drink water, and no one around him brought him water, let alone someone taking care of him.

Now thinking that when Li Cuiying is at home, he can be an ancestor, and every day he scolds Li Cuiying for doing this and that.

Even if she is ill or injured, Li Cuiying can still serve her very thoughtfully.

It is a pity that now Li Cuiying has returned to her natal family, and the two of them are even more reconciled, and it is unrealistic to expect Li Cuiying.

Only at this time did he feel regretful, why did he reconcile with Li Cuiying?

Even if Li Cuiying wanted to make peace, he would wait for Li Cuiying to finish serving him before letting her go.

Zhao Wenshui, lying on the bed, is very worried about his physical condition.

After suffering such a serious injury, I feel that my life is dying, and if I can't deal with it, I might die.

He is so young that he doesn't want to die.

There are still a lot of days I haven't enjoyed yet.

No one took care of him, let alone his injuries. It is a big problem to eat and drink water every day to pee and shit, and it is absolutely impossible for no one to serve.

If anyone lay on the bed for a few more days, that person would definitely lie down.

Now Zhao Wenshui is even more looking forward to marrying a wife back.

As long as she is a woman, it is good to take good care of him.

When I was thinking about it, I heard the movement in the next room.

The ecstasy voice made him more uncomfortable.

Originally injured, but the body reacted again, Zhao Wenshui was suffering.

However, it took more than an hour for the movement of the next room to become quiet, and Zhao Wenshui lasted more than an hour abruptly.

It wasn't until the end that he fell asleep unconsciously and didn't respond.

The next day, Zhao Yuner's family got up early in the morning.

After taking a rest all night, Zhao Yuner's energy recovered a lot, as usual in peacetime.

Early in the morning, Ye Li went out for a stroll. Shuilan Village had his back against the mountain, thinking that it was still early, so he wanted to walk around and take a look. It is rare to see such scenery on weekdays.

And Zhao Yuner was making breakfast openly, Liang Jinqiao was there, she didn't reach out much, most of it was Liang Jinqiao busy.

For breakfast, I made some millet pumpkin porridge with some side dishes. In addition, I baked a few cakes. Although they were not very rich, they tasted good.

Waiting for Zhao Yun'er to work hard for breakfast, Ye Li also rushed back from outside.

As soon as I walked into the house of Zhao Yuner's house, I smelled the scent of vegetables from the kitchen, and I sniffed at night, attracted by the scent of vegetables.

What he likes most is the calm and comfortable life of Zhao Yuner's house.

Although the family is not very wealthy, what they eat is not the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, and they are not living in luxurious houses. But it makes people feel unspeakable.

This kind of quiet life calms people's heart, slowing down and life seems to be much better.

"Gongong, breakfast is ready, hurry up and eat!"

Liang Jinqiao put the food on the dinner table and greeted Ye Li to come over to eat.

"Okay!" With a smile on the corner of Ye Li's mouth, he quickened his pace and walked to the table.

Waiting for a good breakfast, Ye Li thought that he had to leave almost.

He would be embarrassed after staying at Zhao Yun'er's house. He was thin-skinned and didn't want to wait for Zhao Yun'er's family to speak to drive people.

Simply leave by himself, so that people know that he is an interesting person.

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