Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2288: Let Qin Yuan stay to recuperate

Zhao Yuner smiled politely, "It's no trouble, I teach you a lot of children, I am Xuan'er, and I can just let them play together, I will take care of it together."

Mrs. County Cheng smiled and nodded.

If it was someone else, she might still be worried, but after contacting Zhao Yun'er, Mrs. County Cheng knew that Zhao Yun'er was reliable.

Putting Xuan'er here Zhao Yun'er, Mrs. County Cheng believed that Zhao Yun'er could take care of her well.

It's just that she has never left her side. If she leaves for a few days, she doesn't know if she will be reluctant.

But seeing Xuan'er's expectant little face and the way she was happy when she was watching the show at Zhao Yuner's house, she felt that as long as Xuan'er was happy, it was the most important thing.

After sending away the family of the county elders, the other guests returned after the excitement. In the end, only some relatives of Zhao Yuner's family were left.

Her uncles and aunts were obviously reluctant to go back, and her second aunt and family were even more so.

However, Zhao Yuner was too lazy to rush people, and simply returned to the room, ignoring it.

If they like to sit and join in the fun, let them join in. Anyway, they won't let them stay overnight.

"Father, mother, brother Yuan is hurt so badly, he needs to rest for a while, I can't bring him back to Qin's house, or let Brother Yuan rest here for a while?

It just so happens that our house is big, so I don’t care about moving a room, and it’s airy and bright, and it’s definitely better for people to stay in such a house than the low, low, broken cottage of the Qin family. "Zhao Ping'er approached Zhao Wenhua and Liang Jinqiao and discussed with them.

Qin Yuan really couldn't toss about it anymore after he had suffered fifty slabs.

Shuilan Village is some distance away from Zhao's family. If Qin Yuan is brought into a carriage and bumped back, it is estimated that Qin Yuan's injuries will increase.

If Qin Yuan had an accident, something bad might cost his life.

So Zhao Ping'er had to pay attention to it and didn't dare to take this risk.

But Zhao Wenhua and Liang Jinqiao were a little embarrassed after hearing this.

They can't call the shots in this family, everything depends on Zhao Yuner's meaning.

Zhao Yuner was at fault with Zhao Ping'er, so why would it be possible to agree to let Qin Yuan stay in Sanfang to recuperate?

Coupled with the fact that Qin Yuan and Zhao Xinhui are embarrassing...

If Qin Yuan stayed, it is estimated that Sanfang would have been ridiculed.

So while Zhao Yuner may disagree, they are also a little unhappy in their hearts.

The aunts and uncles on the side chuckled lightly and laughed at Zhao Ping'er.

Wu Zhenzhu covered her mouth, yin and yang smiled weirdly, "I said Ping'er girl, you are really big-hearted!

You man has done this kind of ugly thing, hooked up with other men, now you have been punished, shouldn't you be happy? Why is he so precious that he loves him?

Normal people are not like you! It's not that your second aunt said you, sometimes you have to have a snack, don't put your mind on men!

The more you stick it up like this, the more people think you are worthless and they don't bother to take care of you! "

The aunt Guo Caixia said it relatively implicitly, but she also meant to laugh at Zhao Ping'er, “Yes, Ping'er girl, sometimes you can’t be used to your own man like this, it will only make them more indulgent, Sorry about your business.

You girl just put yourself too low, so people don't care. Sometimes it's not good for girls to be too indulgent to men. "

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