Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2300: Zhao Wenshui help with work

If only then, Wu Zhenzhu might still have a few words.

Now she didn't have the face to speak again, because Liang Xinyue lied first, and they didn't have any reason at all.

Zhao Yuner went on to say, "Moreover, my family is indeed a bit busy today, I am afraid that sister Yue'er will not be able to take care of her overnight.

After a while, Tian’an’s marriage still has a lot to be done. In addition, my family has guests, and only then did Ping’er and Qin Yuan take in. Actually, there are no vacant rooms at home. People squeezed to sleep, right? "

After Zhao Yun'er said this, if Liang Xinyue continued to stay stubbornly, it would appear to be Liang Xinyue's fault.

Although the Liang family are a little cheeky, they are not so thick as to be unscrupulous.

Liang Jinhui coughed lightly, and said awkwardly to Zhao Yuner, "Girl Yun'er, I'm causing you trouble. Girl Yue'er is too naive. Don't worry. I'll take her with her later. Go, she will not be allowed to stay here overnight."

Zhao Yuner smiled and nodded, "Thank you for your understanding!"

Liang Jinhui waved his hand awkwardly, "It's okay, it should be, it's Yue'er girl's fault!"

Zhao Yuner's eyes flashed with the pleasure of a winner.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Zhao Yuner didn't toss Liang Xinyue anymore, greeted Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei turned and ran towards her.

Liang Xinyue breathed a sigh of relief, and because she ran too hard, she straightened her legs and sat on the ground, somewhat unable to recover.

Zhao Yun'er couldn't help but ridiculed her heart. Even with this courage, she dared to play sideways in front of her.

After such a tossing, the Liang family left with Liang Xinyue, and Zhao Yuner's house immediately recovered.

Zhao Yuner went to the house and rested for a while, and it was already more than four o'clock in the afternoon when she got up.

The dishes and chopsticks in the room have been cleaned up, and the dishes prepared at noon can be warmed up for the dinner party.

As for the tables borrowed from Zhao Yuner's house, they have all been returned.

What Zhao Yuner didn't expect was that her second uncle, Zhao Wenshui, would actually come to his house to help.

After sending the tables and chairs, Zhao Wenhua and Zhao Wenshui both rested in the yard.

Zhao Wenhua was very grateful and said, "Second brother, thank you so much for today!"

Zhao Wenshui smiled and waved his hand, "It's okay, it's okay, why are our brothers polite! Your girl Yuner saved my life!"

"Second brother, if your injury is not healed, you have to yell to help. After you have been busy for so long, are you sure you are fine?" Zhao Wenhua asked with concern.

After all, Zhao Wenshui was injured too badly before, and it didn't take long. Could it be that Zhao Wenshui's injuries have healed?

Zhao Wenshui smiled and replied, "The medicine that Dr. Sun caught has been treated much better.

You can't stay in bed all the time, doing light work and exercising will help you recover!

It was your third brother who moved the table just now, so I took a few stool tests. Those light things are not tiring at all. What can I do for this kind of work? "

After hearing what Zhao Wenshui said, Zhao Wenhua nodded and let go of his heart, "That's good, that's good, otherwise, if there is anything wrong with you, Brother, I will feel guilty!"

"Haha, it's okay! Don't worry about me! Your second brother is a big man anyway, and not as delicate as a woman."

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