When Zhao Baoshan said so, Huo Chunhua wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, "I don't care, anyway, if the girl is not good, I don't want to eat, so your old man has a good heart, and the girl is like this, but you don't even put a fart. She doesn't care at all, and it doesn't look like she was born of her own. Why is she so pitiful and put on an unscrupulous father like you?"

The corner of Zhao Baoshan's mouth twitched.

This old lady is really annoying.

Is it possible that a dozen-year-old old man of his has to cry like a mother-in-law, what is it like?

Originally, the scandal that was caused today made him shame enough and laughed at other people in the village.

If he is still crying and crying, I don't know how many people will continue to laugh at him.

When a person is old, he cares most about his face. He doesn't want to be the object of ridicule before dying.

As for Zhao Xinhui...

Speaking of it, he is also angry!

Even if you hook up with Qin Yuan, you don't need to be as open as today!

I don’t know where to learn, if I don’t have a home, I have to go to the grass to play field battles every day. Is this not intentional to let people catch it?

In addition, today's unlucky, met Lord Li Zheng, this matter had to be punished.

Zhao Baoshan's only worry now is that this matter will spread all over the world.

After all, good things do not go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles away. He doesn't want the old Zhao's family to be laughed at by ten miles and eight towns, otherwise he can't go out to meet people.

"I'm worried, is it useful? Just yell like you and the girl can wake up? What are you talking about!" Zhao Baoshan snorted unpleasantly.

Huo Chunhua sobbed, "If you want to eat your old man, just leave me alone!

If Hui'er girl doesn't wake up again, I have to call Dr. Sun to come and take a look, but don't really have any problems. "

"It doesn't matter what you do, it doesn't matter what your old lady likes to toss about, I can't control it anyway."

Zhao Baoshan replied angrily, then got up and walked towards Zhao Yun'er's house.

When Zhao Baoshan came over, Zhao Wenhua leaned forward and asked about Zhao Xinhui's condition.

Zhao Baoshan sighed and shook his head, indicating that Zhao Xinhui's situation is not optimistic.

Zhao Wenhua worried about Zhao Xinhui. After all, she was her own sister. Even if Zhao Xinhui did something wrong, she didn't hope that Zhao Xinhui would lose her life.

Zhao Wenhua comforted Zhao Baoshan a few words, and then began to prepare for the dinner.

The original lively wedding was caused by today's affairs. The atmosphere in the old Zhao's house was a little dull, without the festive feeling of having a wedding before.

But Sanfang was helpless, if he knew it in advance, he would stop it in advance.

The family ate dinner together, and then went back separately.

The previously planned bridal chamber didn't have the thoughts, but it happened to give Zhao Tianan and Mu Xin a chance to be quiet.

It was not until the evening that Zhao Tianan was able to enter his new house to meet Mu Xin.

And Mu Xin had been waiting in the new house alone for a long time. Only the people in the three rooms gave her something to eat. After that, she stayed alone, almost boring to death.

She heard some sporadic conversations outside in the new house, and knew that something happened at home today, but no one told her.

As soon as Zhao Tianan came over, Mu Xin's mood rose a lot, with some excitement.

Zhao Tianan was filled with a lot of wine today. As the bridegroom officer, he had to toast next to the table at noon and drank a few glasses with a few elders in the evening, so he was full of alcohol at the moment.

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