Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2311: Find Zhao Ping'er to settle accounts

"It was Sister Ping'er who made me stew the longan and red dates. I will help my brother-in-law later!" Mu Xin confessed truthfully.

Zhao Yun'er frowned when she heard it, a little angry.

What is this Zhao Ping'er doing?

Qin agreed with Qin Yuan to live, and kindly took them in.

But what about Zhao Ping'er... Don't you know that you are sending someone under the fence? Do you really think of this as your home?

It's okay if you are a little arrogant outside, but live in someone else's house but do it as a blessing. Now you like to work with Muxin?

Zhao Yun'er had already made up the scene where Zhao Ping'er used Huan Muxin to work.

She knew that because of Ma Xiaofeng's relationship, Zhao Ping'er was unhappy with Mu Xin, and this time letting Mu Xin stew longan and red dates, she must have had no good attitude.

Mu Xin has a soft temper and is always modest. Even if Zhao Ping'er does too much, Mu Xin will definitely not care about Zhao Ping'er.

But it does not mean that Zhao Yuner doesn't care!

Zhao Yuner took Mu Xin's hand and asked, "Did she ask you to do this?"

Seeing Zhao Yun'er's gloomy face, Mu Xin was slightly surprised, afraid that Zhao Yun'er was arguing with Zhao Ping'er because she felt it was not worth it!

After all, she had just married one day, if it was because she caused the three rooms to have quarrels and conflicts, she would feel uncomfortable, which would make her feel that she was a master and everything was because of her.

When facing Zhao Yun'er's question, Mu Xin said softly, "Sister Yun'er, just stew longan and red dates, it won't get in the way!"

Although it is indeed as Mu Xin said, this is just a trivial matter, and the meaning is different.

"That's what she asked you to do! This Zhao Ping'er..."

Zhao Yuner squeezed her fists and creaked.

Gritting his teeth and preparing to go to Zhao Ping'er to settle accounts!

Mu Xin hurriedly stopped Zhao Yun'er, "Sister Yun'er, it's a small matter, you don't want to go to Sister Ping'er, just forget it..."

"This can't be forgotten, I have to let her know, who has the final say in this family!

If she can't recognize her position here, she doesn't have to stay with me!

Xinxin, don't stop me! You have to know that the first time Zhao Ping'er has a temperament, there will be a second time. The more you let her, the more annoyed she becomes. In order to avoid her continuing to bully you, you must settle the accounts when it is time to settle the accounts! "

Despite Mu Xin's obstruction, Zhao Yuner rushed into Qin Yuan's room.

Mu Xin could only follow Zhao Yun'er in a hurry.

She was worried that Zhao Ping'er might misunderstand that she deliberately instigated her by speaking badly in front of Zhao Yun'er.

If I knew this a long time ago, I shouldn't have responded to Zhao Yun'er like that before.

After struggling for a few seconds, Mu Xin hurriedly followed.

"Zhao Ping'er!" As soon as she entered Qin Yuan's room, Zhao Yun'er yelled Zhao Ping'er's name coldly.

Zhao Ping'er raised her head displeased, "Zhao Yun'er, what are you yelling at? Didn't you see that my brother Yuan is injured and needs to rest?"

"Then come out for me!"

Zhao Ping'er was afraid of Qin Yuan who was arguing with Zhao Yun'er, and Qin Yuan followed Zhao Yun'er out of the house unwillingly.

"Zhao Yuner, have you eaten a firecracker? Why are you looking for me so angry?"

Zhao Ping'er asked angrily, but as soon as she asked, Zhao Yun'er slapped over and slapped Zhao Ping'er in the face.

Only a "pop" was heard, and it took a few seconds to think of Zhao Ping'er's sorrowful scream.

Zhao Ping'er held her red and swollen face and stared at Zhao Yun'er angrily.

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