Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2314: Make yourself beautiful

When she looked back, she had to buy something for Ma Xiaofeng to send to him, so she hurriedly gave Xiaofeng something.

Thinking of Ma Xiaofeng, Zhao Ping'er thought of what Ma Xiaofeng said to her before.

Ma Xiaofeng said he could ask a famous doctor in Yangcheng to see if he could remove the birthmark from her face.

If you can remove the birthmark and whiten your skin, let alone become a big beauty, you can at least look as beautiful as Ma Xiaofeng.

Although Qin Yuan accepted her now, he wanted to live with her.

But Zhao Ping'er was still a little inferior. Standing with Qin Yuan, she felt that her face was far away from Qin Yuan.

Only when she becomes beautiful, not as ugly as she is now, can she stand with Qin Yuan and look good and beautiful.

And the days ahead are still long, everything is unknown.

Qin Yuan was just injured, lying on the bed unable to move, and she finally took care of him by her side, and he was moved to live with her.

Who knows if Qingyuan's injury heals in the future will slowly forget what he said today?

After encountering those pretty-looking goblin, Qin Yuan still has to be hooked away again?

After all, men like to be beautiful!

Just in case, she only had to make herself look good and not inferior to those women outside, so she didn't have to worry about Qin Yuan being snatched away.

"Brother Yuan...I plan to visit the doctor in Yangcheng in a few days!"

Qin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly asked with concern, "Ping'er, are you uncomfortable in your body?"

Zhao Ping'er hurriedly shook her head, "No, I'm going to have a look at my face! My face looks like this, and the doctor can treat me if I see it!

I used to have no money, but now I want to try if I can cure my face! "

Qin Yuan nodded after hearing it, knowing that women love it very much, and Zhao Ping'er is no exception.

And Zhao Ping'er was born ugly, and now no woman can bear to have this face.

Qin Yuan was very supportive of Zhao Ping'er's plan, so he nodded and said, "Well, Ping'er, go! Do whatever you want, I support you!"

Zhao Ping'er was very moved, and nodded heavily in response, "Hmm, Brother Yuan, you are so kind!"

Zhao Ping'er and Qin Yuan talked sweetly in the room, while Zhao Yun'er came to Mu Xin's side and confessed to Mu Xin, "Xin Xin, if Zhao Ping'er dares to bully you next time, you must learn to refuse to know. Huh? You must tell me if she does this again!"

Mu Xin nodded in response.

At this moment, she felt a little guilty in her heart.

It is because of her that Zhao Ping'er was slapped by Zhao Yun'er. It is estimated that Zhao Ping'er hates her to death...

Hey...It is estimated that her relationship with Zhao Ping'er can't be made up!

It's okay that Zhao Ping'er is not her aunt...A person who doesn't care doesn't matter whether the relationship is good or bad.

With Zhao Yun'er at this level, it is better to maintain a better relationship to make everyone feel comfortable.

In the next few days, Zhao Ping'er became more honest.

Knowing that you know who you are, basically everything is done by yourself.

At the old Zhao’s house, Zhao Xinhui finally woke up on the third day.

Both Huo Chunhua and Zhao Baoshan breathed a sigh of relief.

If Zhao Xinhui doesn't wake up any longer, it is estimated that she will really have to kill her.

In the past few days, Mu Lianfeng's official duties have become more busy, often not at home, but Doudou follows Ye Li all day.

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