"Mother, this rabbit was hunted by Doudou!" Doudou said, pointing to a hare lying on the ground.

Zhao Yuner asked with a surprised expression, "Really? Did Doudou hunt it?"

"Hmm!" Doudou nodded heavily.

Zhao Yuner did not hesitate to praise her, touched Doudou's head and smiled and said, "Doudou is awesome, I can give our family a meal tonight!"

"Hmm!" Doudou's little face overflowed with a brighter smile.

Zhao Yuner discovered that Doudou followed Ye Li, a good master, and his skills were getting bigger and stronger, and he was much stronger than before. This bow and arrow technique can hunt down prey, which is extraordinary.

If Doudou can continue to study with Ye Li, this kid doesn't know how tough he will become.

As a mother, I naturally hope that my child will get better and better, and of course, the most important thing is to be more and more happy.

Seeing the smile on Doudou's little face, Zhao Yuner knew that Doudou was happy from the heart and really liked to follow Ye Li to learn this.

Ye Li drank a few bowls of water, then squatted down, reached the tiger, holding a dagger in his hand, bowed his head and peeled off the tiger's skin.

I was afraid of peeling the tiger skin and losing its integrity, so I was careful when peeling it at night.

His eyes were torch, and he looked more handsome than usual when he was serious!

Zhao Yuner couldn't help but wonder how there is such a good-looking boy...

Because Ye Li squatted down, Zhao Yuner stood, just in time to see Ye Li's trembling eyelashes.

His eyelashes are very long, like two butterfly wings.

How many girls envy this kind of eyelashes, Zhao Yuner is no exception.

As if feeling Zhao Yun'er's gaze, Ye Li raised his head and the two eyes met directly.

Zhao Yun'er turned her head in embarrassment, coughing cough... She seemed to be idiotic again.

But she didn't mean anything else, just simply admiring Ye Li's delay.

Ye Li's cheeks turned red for a moment, then lowered his head and continued to peel the tiger skin seriously.

After a lot of work, Ye Li peeled off the two tiger skins and put them on a clothes drying pole to dry.

Zhao Yuner went to the kitchen and started dinner.

There is tiger meat in the evening, and I am going to have a meal of roast tiger meat, just like roast beef and mutton.

There are also some cumin, chili powder, and sesame seeds at home. Zhao Yuner first put some salt and sauce on the tiger meat, and then skewered it on a wooden stick.

Seeing Zhao Yun'er's preparation, Liang Jinqiao asked with some curiosity, "Yun'er, how do we eat this tiger meat at night? Why do we stick the meat with a stick?"

Zhao Yun'er smiled and explained to Liang Jinqiao that he was going to make barbecue for the evening.

But this way of eating is too advanced, it didn't exist in ancient times.

After all, in places like Shuilan Village, some food crops are grown, and meat is rarely eaten, so naturally I don’t know what barbecue is.

Zhao Yuner did not continue to explain to Liang Jinqiao, but only told Liang Jinqiao that this was a novel way of eating, and they would know when they ate it later.

After finishing the tiger meat, Zhao Yuner moved out of a table and prepared to eat outside.

She simply did a barbecue. She had forgotten how long she had been in this world and hadn't eaten a barbecue. Just remembering today, she took this opportunity to relieve her greed.

Zhao Wenhua and Zhao Tianan were asked to get some wood out and build a simple barbecue bracket with iron wire.

Waiting for everything to be well, the twilight is already sinking.

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