Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2325: I want to bring Ye Li around

Facing the emperor, the most powerful man today, Zhao Yuner didn't dare to neglect, and replied, "It's a barbecue, Young Master Huang may not have seen it before!"

In the smile at the corner of the emperor's mouth, with a touch of inquiry, he raised his brow and asked, "Really? Then I want to try it too, can I?"

How could Zhao Yun'er refuse, nodded, greeted the emperor and said, "Young Master Huang, come and sit down. There are a lot of people, I hope Young Master Huang will not mind."

"It's a good thing to be crowded with people! I just want to join in the fun too!"

The emperor seemed to be in good spirits.

When he was in the palace before, because he was carrying the identity of the emperor, even if he deliberately wanted to find the excitement, he couldn't find it.

Even more because of the status of the emperor, the people around him were trembling at him, walking on thin ice, for fear of saying a wrong sentence, offending a sentence, and incurring misfortune for themselves. How many people are willing to talk to him?

Seeing that there are many people who flatter him, there is no one who is sincere to him and willing to get along like friends.

The longer he was, the more lonely he felt.

Maybe this is the so-called high altitude!

Each of the ancient emperors claimed to be lonely!

Indeed, after reaching this position, I felt an unprecedented sense of loneliness.

I can't enjoy the feeling of company in the palace, and when he comes out in a private visit, we don't let people know his identity. Naturally, others don't have so much restraint when getting along with him.

Thinking of the emperor, he couldn't wait to chat with Zhao Yun'er's family, joking, and feeling the excitement.

Zhao Yuner also smiled and nodded, greeted the emperor to sit down.

Whether the emperor does not reveal his identity, at least other people will not be embarrassed and uncomfortable sitting.

If Liang Jinqiao and Zhao Wenhua were to know the identity of the emperor, they would not be so scared to kneel on the ground.

She was very timid to her parents, saying that she was so cautious in front of Mu Lianfeng. If she hadn't been trembling in front of the emperor, she probably wouldn't dare to show up.

The lively and lively atmosphere might have to stop here.

Mulan saw the emperor before, but did not know the identity of the emperor. After seeing the emperor, she smiled and said hello, "Young Master Huang, you actually came? What a coincidence!"

The emperor also smiled at Mulan, "Yes, what a coincidence!"

There was a smile on the corner of the emperor's mouth. After seeing Ye Li sitting in the crowd, he was taken aback and a little surprised.

He didn't expect Ye Li to know Zhao Yuner.

So Ye Li's identity really doesn't have any doubts, it shouldn't be here to assassinate him.

It seems that his instinct is quite accurate!

Thinking of Ye Li's skill, the emperor's heart felt even more admiration for Ye Li.

This young man's kung fu is too strong, even more powerful than the guards around him.

You must know that the guards around him are all selected through layers, and Kung Fu is considered top in the entire Great Zhou Kingdom.

But when you get to Ye Li, you can compare it to Ye Li. It's not a bit worse than Ye Li.

It would undoubtedly be a benefit for him if he could receive such a master as Zhang.

Feeling a scorching gaze falling on her body, Ye Li raised her head and looked at the emperor.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, their eyes were set against the light of fire, and the wood sticks in the fire crackled.

Ye Li's brows wrinkled slightly, and he also looked at the emperor.

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