Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2329: I went to Li Cuiying's family

Because of the happy events during this time, experience has been gained.

As long as you have enough money, you can go to Yangcheng to buy everything you do in the afternoon.

Just as Mu Lianfeng said, even if it is a time-consuming and long thing like a wedding dress, as long as you pay enough money and find a few more embroiders to make it overnight, you can still make a beautiful wedding dress.

The two discussed for a while, the night was already dark, and because today was very tired, Zhao Yun'er quickly fell asleep.

Wake up early the next morning and have to keep breakfast for the family.

Because of the arrival of the emperor, Zhao Yun'er has prepared a little more abundantly.

I fry several dishes and pancakes.

However, the emperor's favorite was the pickled vegetables and salted duck eggs in Zhao Yuner's house.

Naturally, the emperor has never tasted this kind of food that is only eaten in ordinary people's homes.

It was just because I hadn't tasted it that I felt novel, and I couldn't help but praise Zhao Yuner.

Seeing how the emperor is, Zhao Yun'er understood that she didn't need to prepare the delicacies of the mountains and seas, anyway, the emperor was tired of eating in the palace, how could it be rare? Instead, prepare something that the emperor has not eaten before, and the emperor will like it.

After breakfast, Zhao Yun'er cut five catties of tiger meat for a few rooms in the old Zhao family, and prepared to send it there.

Zhao Tianhu and Jin Ju have separated their families, and now they can’t share things with the big room, so Zhao Yuner specially gave them another five pounds of tiger meat.

Yesterday, I was too busy making barbecue.

When it came time for Zhao's family affairs, the other roommates were there, and they quickly thanked Zhao Yuner for the tiger meat.

Tiger meat is a treasure that many people cannot eat.

They were also exposed to Zhao Yuner's light, and they could taste this rare thing.

Zhao Wenshui was not at home, so Zhao Yuner put the meat in Zhao Wenshui's kitchen, said hello to Qian Hongzao, and said to Zhao Wenshui when Zhao Wenshui came back.

"By the way, fourth aunt, what did the second uncle do?" Zhao Yuner asked curiously.

We must know that Zhao Wenshui's previous temperament was that he did not go out of the door and did not move forward. If he could be lazy at home, he could stay at home as much as possible. When Zhao Wenshui went out, Zhao Yuner wondered if he could find something to do.

After all, Zhao Wenshui has turned his temper now, and may know that he has to earn money to support his family and then go out to earn some wages.

But Zhao Wenshui was injured before, and he doesn't know if his injury is good or whether he can continue to support it.

Making money is more important than the body. After all, the body is the capital of the revolution. There will be a long way to go and it must be carefully considered.

"Your second uncle went to your second aunt's natal family and wants to persuade your second aunt to come back!" Qian Hongzao smiled back.

In fact, she was also very happy to see Zhao Wenshui willing to live a good life.

The so-called home and everything are happy, no matter how you say it is a family, I hope that the days of the few rooms will be better.

"That's it..." Zhao Yuner's mouth also raised a slight smile.

Now that her second uncle has done what he said, he actually went to Li Cuiying.

I don't know what the result will be, what kind of attitude Li Cuiying reacted.

At this time, Zhao Wenshui was a little slumped.

Early in the morning, he rushed to Li Cuiying's family home. When he went there, he was full of expectation and felt that after all, Li Cuiying had a relationship with his husband and wife for so many years.

After this period of time, he should have calmed down, and he would definitely be willing to go home with him after a few more soft words.

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