"Mother..." Li Cuiying felt uncomfortable when she heard it.

In fact, she knew that staying at her natal house was not a way.

After all, the two elder brothers have already married, and her mother and elder brother have no objection, but the two sister-in-laws are not happy that the sister-in-law stays at home.

From the moment she married, she was no longer in the Li family.

The reconciliation was too hasty this time, and there was no other place to go, so I had to go back to my natal house and stayed there for a while.

She was also thinking about finding other reliable men before, and she wouldn't spend too long in her family's house to cause them trouble.

But these days, the matchmakers helped to find some unreliable ones, and some were not as good as Zhao Wenshui.

A family with a good character is too poor, and her life is too poor to open the pot. She still doesn't know how to live after she married.

A character with good conditions is not good. The man I just met a few days ago likes to do something to his wife. The last daughter-in-law was beaten to death by him. How could she dare to marry? Isn't this too long for my life?

After searching for several times, she didn't find a suitable one, and she couldn't just marry casually, otherwise she wouldn't have to quarrel with Zhao Wenshui in the end.

If you really want to make do with yourself, you might as well live with Zhao Wenshui.

The reason for her reunion is to hope that the days after reunification will be better.

The first half of my life has been so sad, and the second half of my life can't still be so embarrassed.

"Girl, people are too old to have children by their side, otherwise who will take care of you when you are old?

Now think more for yourself, mother is looking forward to your days as better as possible. "Lady Li said, patted Li Cuiying on the shoulder, and said with emotion.

Li Cuiying lowered her head, it is false to say that there is no trace of fluctuation in her heart.

"It's okay to see what Zhao Wenshui is doing anyway, what if someone really changes?"

After thinking for a moment, Li Cuiying finally nodded.

"Okay mother, let me talk to him!"


With a smile on the corner of Mrs. Li's mouth, Li Cuiying also came out of the room.

But Zhao Wenshui, who was waiting anxiously outside the courtyard, was a little overjoyed when he saw Li Cuiying's familiar voice.

"Tianyu his mother!" Zhao Wenshui called excitedly.

Li Cuiying didn't have too many emotions, walked up to Zhao Wenshui and replied lightly. "Is there anything you came to see me for?"

"Tianyu his mother...I came here to apologize specially!" Facing Li Cuiying, Zhao Wenshui suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and smiled with a hint of flattering, and said nervously with Li Cuiying.

On weekdays, Zhao Wenshui is used to being arrogant in front of Li Cuiying, and Li Cuiying has never seen such a side of Zhao Wenshui.

It seems that Zhao Wenshui is really different.

Li Cuiying didn't reply, and Zhao Wenshui started talking again.

"Tianyu his mother, I'm sorry for doing a lot of foolish things before. I know I don't have the face to beg you for forgiveness, but I still want to solemnly apologize to you.

In fact, I came this time to want you and me to go back and live a good life together.

After so much, I discovered how important it is to live a good life together...

I promise, this time I will never bully you like I did before and do something I'm sorry for you! If I say that I can't do it, I'll be thundered and killed! "

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