Li Dalang glanced at Zhao Wenshui lightly, and replied angrily, "No need!"

It was their business that his mother and younger sister were willing to take care of Zhao Wenshui, but he didn't want to take care of them.

Anyway, he just didn't want to show Zhao Wenshui a good face.

As soon as Zhao Wenshui was still cheeky, he licked his face and said, "Brother, you can let me come. I'm tired of chopping wood. I should do this tired work for you to rest!"

Li Dalang stopped the movement in his hand, frowned and thought about it. Since someone wants to suffer, he can't stop him, so the axe in his hand is thrown at Zhao Wenshui, "Then let you come."


Zhang Wenshui took the axe and started to chop the firewood.

Going down with an axe, the wood block didn't move at all. How could it be that Li Dalang could split the block directly with an axe.

Zhao Wenshui was a little embarrassed, while Li Dalang glanced at Zhao Wenshui disdainfully, with the words "Really Useless" written on his face.

Zhao Wenshui smiled awkwardly, and continued to wave the axe in his hand. At this moment, he hacked hard with sufficient strength.

Fortunately, this time I finally made a cut, and then continued with an axe, and the wood finally split.

After only splitting a piece of wood, Zhao Wenshui felt that the strength of his whole body was almost used, and he didn't have much energy to continue to split.

"Huh~" Zhao Wenshui sighed heavily. At this time, he had to chop, and no matter how tired he could only clenched his teeth and persisted, otherwise he would not be rejected by the Li family?

With a sigh of relief, Zhao Wenshui continued to chop the wood, and after a long time, his entire back was soaked with sweat.

When Li Dalang saw Zhao Wenshui's lack of energy, he became even more disgusted.

It's a man anyway, I can't do this job.

Looking at Zhao Wenshui's posture, I know that I was so lazy and didn't do much work at home.

Men who are accustomed to work are not as weak as Zhao Wenshui after regular exercise.

Thanks to his little sister and this man, he left, otherwise I don't know how much he will continue to suffer.

At this time, Mrs. Li and Li Cuiying, who were busy in the kitchen, saw the movement outside.

Old lady Li sighed in front of Li Cuiying, "Daughter, you see that Zhao Wenshui actually took the initiative to help our family with work. In the past, it was not like a man with Erlang's legs and an uncle. It seems that her temper has really changed. .

Man... It's not easy to correct if you know your mistakes, and you have to give him a chance. "

Li Cuiying knew that Mrs. Li was saying good things for Zhao Wenshui.

In fact, she was surprised for a moment when she saw Zhao Wenshui taking the initiative to help chopping wood, and the appearance of Ya insisting.

After all, Zhao Wenshui knew very well what was lazy in the old Zhao's house.

Now it is not easy to be able to take the initiative to help chopping wood, which shows that Zhao Wenshui really wants to change in his heart and wants to live a good life.

"Look again..." Li Cuiying said, who knows if Zhao Wenshui pretended it?

If Zhao Wenshui can persist like this, Li Cuiying would be happy to go back and live with Zhao Wenshui.

Not because I forgave Zhao Wenshui, but because I was thinking about Zhao Tianyu.

Only when she was in Zhao Tianyu could she be taken care of, and she could not count on others.

"Haha, all right!" Granny Li said with a smile.

After a while, Mrs. Li and Li Cuiying finished their meals and greeted Zhao Wenshui for dinner.

Zhao Wenshui breathed a sigh of relief, after all, there was no need to force the splitting material.

If he can hold on any longer, he really can't bear it.

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