Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2344: Sorry to say blind date

It seems that her decision is right, and with Zhao Ping, the future will definitely go well.

She can still run into a good man after she leaves, and it is God's favor for her.

I thought I would be alone for the rest of my life.

"Okay...then do it according to yours!" Li Cuiying replied somewhat shyly.

After the matchmaker’s matchmaking, Li Cuiying and Zhao Ping were about to talk about it. When they were about to go back, they happened to ran into Zhao Yuner's family.

Zhao Yuner's family hadn't seen Li Cuiying for a while, and immediately greeted Li Cuiying, "Second Auntie!"

"Second sister!"

Seeing Zhao Yun'er's family, Li Cuiying also had some experience, and she greeted Zhao Yun'er's family in the past.

"Third brother, third sibling, why are you here in Yangcheng?"

"We are shopping. Yun'er will get married in a few days. We also make some good clothes. We can't shame Yun'er when he gets married."

"Haha... this way! That's really congratulations to Yun'er girl, who has come to her pains and is finally able to marry the son of the son, and she will be the son of the son in the future.

Let us also consider a golden phoenix flying out of the mountain! Give us a face! "Hearing that Zhao Yuner got married, Liang Jinqiao and Zhao Wenhua were also happy for Zhao Yuner from the bottom of their hearts.

Liang Jinqiao and Zhao Wenhua laughed from ear to ear, with pride on their faces.

Indeed, as Li Cuiying said, Zhao Yuner's marriage this time is not only a marriage, but also the current concubine, which is a great honor.

How many women from the country girl do this?

For the old Zhao family, this is naturally a great honor.

"Second sister-in-law, you have been away from our old Zhao's house for a while, how are you doing during this period?" Liang Jinqiao asked with concern.

When Li Cuiying just returned to her family's house, Liang Jinqiao was a little worried about Li Cuiying's situation, but she didn't have the time to go to Li Cuiying's family to have a look at Li Cuiying's family.

Li Cuiying smiled, and replied, "Very good, my mother and my brother and sister-in-law are good to me, you are much better when you were at the old Zhao's house!"

Liang Jinqiao nodded, in that case he was relieved.

"Second Sister-in-law, in fact, the second brother has changed a lot during this period, which is different from before! People are more diligent and a lot of work, and they are all working steadily. If the second sister-in-law can ignore... you can think about it. Second brother!" Zhao Wenhua couldn't help but said something nice to Zhao Wenshui.

Of course this is what he really thinks, Zhao Wenshui doesn't seem to be acting like that.

If his second sister-in-law can think about it, come back and continue to live with his second brother, life in the second room will always get better and better.

Li Cuiying just nodded faintly, as if she didn't want to say anything more about this matter, Zhao Wenhua didn't say more about it.

After all, Li Cuiying and Zhao Wenshui are now reunited with Zhao Wenshui, and Zhao Wenshui has done so many wrong things before, we can't always persuade Li Cuiying to forgive Zhao Wenshui.

"By the way, Second Sister-in-law, what did you come to town for today? Did you buy anything?" Liang Jinqiao asked.


Li Cuiying was a little embarrassed to say that she was here on a blind date, and she came to have a blind date with Zhao Ping.

When he was preparing to rant about a reason, Zhao Ping came over, carrying some longan brown sugar in his hand, which he bought and prepared for Li Cuiying to take home.

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