The family made a lot of purchases together before going home.

There are carriages and donkey carts, even if there are more things, they can be loaded back.

How can you experience such a person in the country on weekdays? The family feels very good.

Zhao Yuner thought about bringing more family members out to stroll around when nothing happened.

After returning, Zhao Yuner's house began to prepare.

As for the Shizi Mansion, it was also run wildly.

Under the emperor's intervention, Mrs. Mu did not dare to slack off, and everything needed to be prepared was perfect.

Under normal circumstances, the betrothal gifts required by the son to marry a wife are handled according to the rules.

But because of the preparations for the marriage these few days, Mulianfeng had to stay in Shizi Mansion and be separated from Zhao Yuner for a few days and see each other until the day of marriage.

Of course, these are all based on tradition, just like Zhao Tianan and Mu Xin must be separated for a period of time before they get married.

Even though Zhao Yun'er and Mu Lianfeng miss each other, they endure the separation of this period of time.

The so-called small couple is better than the newlyweds, they are indeed newly married after this small couple.

Zhao Yuner was a little excited when she thought that she was going to be Mu Lianfeng's bride.

Imagine that in the 21st century, she was a leftover woman who couldn't get married. Who would have expected that when the leftover woman turned over, God in this life sent her a high-quality man like Mu Lianfeng for her poor sake.

During this period of time, the emperor also went to Mulianfeng. First, he could discuss political affairs with Mulianfeng, and second, there were other things to deal with in Yangcheng.

After the news that Zhao Yuner wanted to marry Mu Lianfeng spread, the villagers were not too shocked, after all, they knew Zhao Yuner and Mu Lianfeng were together a long time ago.

But what I didn't expect was that Zhao Yuner was married this time as a royal concubine.

According to their expectation, Zhao Yuner was just a little girl in the country. Even if she gave birth to a son for Mulianfeng, her mother would be more expensive than her son. It is indeed good to marry Mulianfeng, how could she still be a royal family.

Many people sighed that Zhao Yun'er's life was so good, so she flew onto a branch and turned into a phoenix.

The baby in the ravine turned out to be today's concubine.

There are envious ones and others jealous. Many people who are at odds with Zhao Yun'er's family just talk and belittle them behind their backs.

But in any case, the fact that Zhao Yuner became the concubine cannot be changed.

Zhao Yun'er ignored these rumors during this period, but stayed peacefully at home.

In order to be a beautiful bride and give Mu Lianfeng a little surprise on the day of marriage, Zhao Yuner began to take care of her skin.

I haven't stopped my busy life before, and I haven't managed my appearance well, so the whole person seems rough.

The skin is a bit dry and dark, not so white and tender.

The so-called one white covering three ugliness, a little white skin is always good.

Zhao Yuner hurriedly got some cucumbers, cut them into slices, and put them on her face. Then leisurely leaned on the chaise longue, quietly closed his eyes to enjoy.

After applying cucumber, the skin feels a lot moisturized. After applying it for a few days, the skin condition is probably better.

In the past few days, she tried not to go out in the sun. With Mu Xin and Liang Jinqiao here, she doesn't need to do a lot of housework.

When Zhao Yun'er was applying cucumber slices on her face again this day, Zhao Ping'er came out of Qin Yuan's room and was about to get Qin Yuan something to eat. When she saw Zhao Yun'er's face, she screamed in fright.

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