Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2353: Zhao Yuner agreed to stay overnight

After observing Zhao Yun'er's appearance, she seemed to be quite ordinary.

Although it can be called elegant, but this kind of appearance is far from the beauty.

Especially when Zhao Yuner and Ye Li are standing together, the difference in appearance is even greater.

A handsome man like Ye Li should be accompanied by a more beautiful beauty, right, why should he fall in love with an ordinary-looking little village girl?

"Niang Pao" frowned and couldn't figure out.

And Zhao Yun'er noticed the "Niang Pao" who followed in the yard, and asked the "Niang Pao".

"you are……"

"My name is Anle!" "Niang Pao" introduced himself to Zhao Yuner with a smile.

"I don't know what happened when you came to my house?"

"That..." An Le glanced at Ye Li first, and then said his purpose, "I want to ask if I can stay at your house for one night, I can't go back to Yangcheng after this point."

Ye Li saw that "Niang Pao" followed him to Zhao Yun'er's house cheeky, and now he mentioned the overnight stay in front of Zhao Yun'er.

Before Zhao Yun'er could answer, Ye Li said, "Yun'er, your house is full of people. There should be no way to keep him?

There are other people in our village, why don't we let him go to other people's homes? "

Anyway, as long as this "mother cannon" is not at Zhao Yuner's house.

He didn't want him to appear before his eyes again.

I feel uncomfortable looking at it!

Zhao Yuner frowned, a little tangled.

There are indeed a lot of people living in her family, which is really inconvenient for strangers to stay, but there are vacant houses that can be used to live in.

Facing this self-proclaimed Anle person, Zhao Yuner didn't know if she should refuse.

It was pitiful to see him alone. If she refuses, other people in the village may not be happy to let people stay.

If her family had no house to live in, it would be even more impossible for others.

Basically every house in the village is not big enough. It is really inconvenient for several people in a family to house a stranger in one house.

By dressing up this person, Zhao Yuner can roughly guess that his identity should not be simple, at least he is the son of a wealthy family.

The clothes material and embroidery work on the body are very good, how can ordinary people afford it.

However, this man is not tall, only a few meters and six meters, and his appearance is also kind of feminine, um... it doesn't feel like a man, but like a woman.

An Le hurriedly said, "I know that overnight stay will cause you trouble, but I can pay for it, just like living in a restaurant..."

An Le said, hurriedly took out two gold ingots from his sleeves, took the gold ingots and asked Zhao Yuner, "Girl, do you know if the money is enough?

Please let me stay for one night, and I will leave tomorrow! "

Zhao Yuner thought for a while, and finally agreed.

Seeing this person, there is really no way, it is not difficult to help others.

There are a lot of people in her family anyway, and she doesn't care about one more person.

"That's fine, I will leave a room for you to stay one night.

As for the money, no need! Just a small effort! "

An Le excitedly said, "Ah, thank you girl, girl, you are such a good person!"

"The son is polite!" Zhao Yuner replied with a smile.

Ye Li's face sank, her eyes full of displeasure when she looked at Anle, and she wanted to kick him out of the yard immediately.

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