Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2355: Must be a local tyrant

The thought of that "mother can" will stay at Zhao Yuner's house for one night tonight, which means that he will have to see him one night, Ye Li shuddered with goose bumps all over his body, and the feeling in his heart was even more weird.

At this moment he felt that he was being targeted by another man!

However, he has a normal personality orientation and is completely disinterested in "mother guns".

Ye Li turned around into the house with a little heart, not wanting to face the "mother gun".

Zhao Yun'er saw Ye Li's reaction.

He seems to be very unwilling to let the peace stay overnight...

I don't know what the feast was between the two.

Now that the words have been said, Zhao Yuner had no choice but to continue to take in An's.

"Well, come in and rest!" Zhao Yuner greeted Anle.

An's nodded heavily in response, and then went into Zhao Yuner's room.

It seems that this is the first time I have seen a house in the countryside, so I am very curious to look around.

Zhao Yuner also let the big room take pleasure in watching her house.

Although the house is not big, it is pretty good in the country.

And this room is basically designed by Zhao Yuner, and the structure is a little different from the usual room.

An Le looked at it for a while before she retracted her gaze, then smiled and said to Zhao Yuner, "Your house is really small, but it seems to be the biggest in this village..."

"The houses in the country are like this, so naturally they can't compare with the son's house!"

An Le nodded and said, "That's...no one can compare to my house.

It turns out that this house where ordinary people live is actually like this..."

An Le muttered again and didn't know what to say, and Zhao Yuner didn't hear it clearly.

However, it can be judged from the peaceful behavior and words that his family is definitely a local tyrant.

It is estimated that this is the first time I came to the countryside to see the accommodation conditions of the villagers.

"This is the condition of my family, I hope the son will not dislike it!" Zhao Yun'er thought that peace is not used to her simple conditions.

An Le hurriedly waved her hand and said, "No, no, no, I don't think it's good!

When the house is big, it looks cold. Your house is not big and there are many people, so it looks very warm! "

An Le grinned, the smile on her face was pure, like a little girl.

It's been a long time since Zhao Yun'er saw a person with such a pure smile, and she was very simple when she wanted to come here.

I don't know why Zhao Yun'er has a slight affection for him after seeing An Le's smile.

Of course, this kind of affection is pure liking and has no other meaning.

"Well...I also think the small house is warm to make! A big house is not necessarily better than a small house, mainly because the family lives together and enjoys the most important thing!"

An Le quite agreed with Zhao Yun'er, and smiled back, "You are right!

That... there is one more question I want to ask, what is the name of that beautiful brother? "

Speaking of Ye Li, An Le showed a touch of shame.

Zhao Yuner was taken aback for a moment, and naturally knew that Anle was asking Ye Li.

But looking at the peaceful look... I seem to have a different idea about Ye Li!

Hmm... It is always strange that a big man cares too much about another big man.

However, Ye Li was so handsome, and many women liked him. It is not impossible for a man to see him.

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