There was a touch of sadness and unwillingness in his eyes, but at the same time he was blessing Zhao Yun'er, "Yun'er, you must be happy, I know this man will treat you well, so I will let go.

If he dares to bully you a little bit, I will never spare him lightly! "

Ye Li whispered, until the welcoming team disappeared from sight, Ye Li turned around and disappeared in the courtyard of Zhao Yuner's house.

After the welcoming team left, Zhao Yuner's house was also lively and busy for the banquet.

This time, because there was no chef Zhao Yuner's chef at the banquet, he went to the town to invite a chef over.

Although it had spent more money, it was not worth mentioning to Zhao Yuner's family now.

The chef's craftsmanship is not bad. Although some dishes are a little worse than Zhao Yun'er, most of the dishes are better than those in the restaurant.

It is precisely because of this craftsmanship that the chef is very famous in nearby villages and towns.

Zhao Yun'er's family still added money specifically to let the chef push down other appointments and come over to Zhao Yun'er's to be the chef.

Zhao Wenhua greeted the guests, and the cook was already busy in the kitchen.

Soon there was a burst of fragrance in the kitchen.

The people who came to the banquet sat down at the table one after another, ready to eat.

An Le confirmed that the welcoming team had left before they got out of Zhao Yuner's backyard and came to the front yard.

After busy working all morning, he was already croaking with hunger in his stomach. When he was seduced by the smell of this dish, he couldn't help swallowing in his stomach.

An Le walked to Zhao Wenhua and asked, "Uncle Zhao, can you eat it? I'm so hungry!"

An Le touched her flat belly and continued, "Hey, I pulled a lot just now, I'm even more hungry now!"

Zhao Wenhua was still a little sad, but after being said by Anle, he was amused directly!

This kid is really interesting!

I just want to eat it!

I have something to say, and there is no taboo!

But the country folks are simple, and he doesn't dislike peace and happiness.

During this period Anle lived in her home, and Zhao Wenhua directly regarded Anle as his own son.

"I'll go to the kitchen and ask, get you some food!" Zhao Wenhua said.

"Well, thank you Uncle Zhao!" An Le said with a sweet smile.

"You're welcome!"

Zhang Wenhua went to the kitchen and brought out a bowl of meatloaf soup for Anle.

A layer of green onions floats on the meatloaf soup, which is fragrant and beautiful.

The meatloaf soup is very delicious when you look at it!

An Le took it, and some couldn't wait to eat it in his mouth.

Zhao Wenhua hurriedly exhorted, "It's hot, it's hot! Eat slowly, don't eat too fast! You can burn your mouth and stop!"

An Le chuckled and nodded heavily in response. "Yeah, I know Uncle Zhao!"

Then he held a bowl, took a piece of meatloaf and blew a few mouthfuls until it was cold before stuffing it into his mouth.

He has never eaten anything like this. It felt very good for the first time.

I kept praising Zhao Wenhua, "Uncle Zhao, it's delicious, it's so delicious!"

The meat is very tender and slippery in the mouth! Chew is full of meaty smell.

I was hungry at first, and it was unspeakable satisfaction to eat delicious things at this time.

"Haha, eat slowly when it is delicious, Uncle Zhao has to work on other things."

"Yeah! Uncle Zhao, go ahead and help you when I'm done."

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