Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2370: Don't waste time on him

Ye Li lowered his head and glanced at An Le. A gleam of light appeared in his dark pupils, shining like stars, which seemed inexplicably attractive.

Look at his white face again, revealing a touch of innocence, especially the somewhat puffed look of his mouth.

Ye Li secretly said in his heart that he was really crazy, and he felt that a girl can be innocent and cute...

Hey... Isn't he crazy?

Ye Li's throat choked, and the corners of her mouth continued to rise for a while, and he replied faintly, "If you want to follow along, follow it, but I have to go!"

With that, Ye Li tapped his toes and suddenly jumped off the trunk.

His light work is very good, so there is a sense of elegance when he jumps down from the tree.

Looking at Ye Li's tall and handsome back, An Le was once again fascinated by Ye Li.

Why is this man handsome when he is depressed?

How could there be such a stunner in this world?

However, the **** was only in a few seconds, and An Le quickly reacted, rising from the ground all at once, following Ye Li's steps.

"Ye Li, where are you going?"

"Don't you still keep on guarding?"

"I'm guarding you, not guarding the tree, I'll go wherever you go!" He replied peacefully.

Ye Li frowned slightly, and said angrily, "Don't follow me!"

He wants to find a place to be quiet, and what's the matter with a female gun behind him?

An Le curled her lips, dissatisfied, "Why?"

"You are very annoying! I don't like other people annoying me!" Ye Li said mercilessly.

Anle's heart seemed to be stabbed by something, aching and aching.

He took a breath of air hard and bit his head and said, "I'm going to follow you, and why don't I say that I'm annoying?"

Ye Li looked at An Le's angry bun face, and didn't know what to say for a while.

This mother-in-law is really good for mother-in-law!



But I don’t know why Ye Li feels that Anle is not as annoying as before!

He must be crazy!

"Don't waste time on me!" Ye Li reminded him.

He would definitely not like a man like a straight steel man.

If there is a woman's perseverance, it still makes sense...A big man...Could it be possible to expect to bend him? It's just idiotic dreams!

"I spend my time not wasting your time, you care about me!" An Le said stubbornly.

He believes that he will not give up easily.

This is especially true for people you like!

After finally running into Ye Li, how could he let go of the opportunity like this.

Ye Li turned around and stopped taking care of peace, but walked forward.

An Le hurriedly followed, staring at Ye Li's back, and secretly vowed to wait until Ye Li accepted him.

Although this dream is a bit far away, only by persevering can there be this opportunity and possibility.

If you choose to give up now, then there really won't be any chance.

He didn't ask for anything else, just wanted to be with Ye Li, as long as he could see Ye Li.

Hey... Anle doesn't know when he has become so satisfied.

There were a lot of things before, but I have never cherished good luck like now.

When Ye Li returned to Zhao Yun'er's yard, the banquet had already dispersed, and the yard looked much colder.

When Ye Li came back, Zhao Wenhua hurriedly said, "Young Master Ye, where have you been?"

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