Fortunately, Ye Li has worked hard enough to protect himself, otherwise it will really give people a new life in the 21st century...

"Ahem, Huang Gongzi, do you have anything you want to eat at noon?" Zhao Yun'er walked to the emperor and asked.

After all, the emperor couldn't stay at her house for a few days, so she tried her best to take care of her.

The emperor withdrew his mind and smiled at Zhao Yun'er, "Girl Yun'er just makes a few home-cooked dishes, I can eat them!"

Zhao Yun'er nodded, "Well...I'll just do something casually."

There are a lot of home-cooked dishes, shredded pork with green peppers, shredded potatoes with hot and sour, eggplant with garlic...

These dishes taste good, and the emperor will like it too.

"Well, trouble Miss Yuner!" The emperor smiled.

When Zhao Yun'er was about to cook in the kitchen, the emperor said again: "This Ye Gongzi's kung fu is really good! Moreover, Kong Wu is very powerful... he is a talent!"

Zhao Yuner listened and smiled and said, "Yeah, Ye Li's skill is really good."

But why did she feel weird listening to the emperor's words?

It was because of the emperor's deep appreciation of Ye Li that Zhao Yuner felt weird.

Does the emperor appreciate Ye Li's talent too much, so he likes Ye Li so much?

If so, it would be better...

As long as you don't like Ye Li's face.

After the emperor finished speaking, he shook his head secretly, "Hey, it's a pity! Such a talent is only willing to stay in this mountain village to chop materials! Too bad!"

The emperor looked regretful.

Zhao Yun'er's mouth twitched, the emperor is this distressed Ye Li?

She thought that the emperor had a different mindset for Ye Li. Now it seems that the emperor just appreciates Ye Li's talents, and it is a pity that Ye Li didn't use her own ability in her house.

But everyone has everyone's pursuit, and Zhao Yuner knew that Ye Li was not a person with such strong ambitions.

What he pursues is just an ordinary life.

As for the ability to waste...

In fact, different personal evaluations will lead to different conclusions.

The so-called waste is relative to the national level. The emperor is the one in power, so he naturally thinks that talents like Ye Li serve the country.

For Zhao Yuner, Ye Li is her friend.

Whether Ye Li can do something earth-shattering is not important, what matters is whether Ye Li is happy.

As long as Ye Li feels that this is the best way of life for him and can always be happy, that is the best.

Zhao Yuner only smiled at the emperor's words, but did not respond much.

Zhao Yun'er walked to the kitchen and started cooking, while the emperor continued to stare at Ye Li.

When Ye Li finished cutting the fire, the emperor greeted Ye Li, "Young Man Ye, come and sit down!"

Ye Li glanced at the emperor faintly, always feeling that the emperor was a bit malicious and cared too much.

So he ignored the emperor, glanced at the emperor lightly, and said, "What are you doing?"

"Ye Shaoxia, I think we can talk." The emperor smiled.

Ye Li raised his chin proudly, and replied, "We have nothing to talk about."

After speaking, Ye Li turned around and entered the kitchen, drank a basin of water, and washed his body.

The body that just chopped the material was all sweat, the sweat sticking together is very uncomfortable, and the body will be comfortable after washing.

After staying at Zhao Yun'er's house for a while, Ye Li also became a rough man, without any particular attention.

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