Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2380: Give Yeli an official

An Le said with a stubborn face.

Before meeting Anle, she simply didn't want to marry someone she didn't like, but now that she meets Ye Li, she is determined to marry Ye Li even if she wants to marry in the future.

Anyway, if you are cheeky and used to saying this in front of the emperor, you will not be ashamed.

The emperor wrinkled his brows and said, "An Le, don't forget that you are a princess, your identity, and your marriage is not your choice.

Your husband, the future husband and wife are carefully selected for you by the queen, and they are all dragons and phoenixes!

Your identity is only worthy of a good one!

How can a villager like Ye Li not be worthy of your identity? "

"What's wrong with Ye Li? I think Ye Li is pretty good!

How can he be compared to an ordinary countryman? "An Le couldn't help but defend Ye Li.

She never felt that the identity of the princess was so expensive. If this identity was the reason for her restraint, then she would rather not have this identity.

Don't say Ye Li is worthy of her, but Fan Ye Li can accept her, she would rather abandon everything and stay with Ye Li firmly!

"Why is he not a countryman if he is nothing?

Come on, don't be capricious! The words of the matchmaker's parents' orders, how can you do it? "

"Brother emperor...you are my good brother emperor, you can help me!" An Le immediately made a pitiful appearance, looking at the emperor with pleading eyes.

"Help you? Anle, you don’t know. Although I am the king of a country, I can make a lot of ideas, but I can’t control the mother’s affairs. Whatever the mother wants is her own decision. How can I intervene? !" The emperor refused without mercy.

An Le glanced at her small mouth, her face full of grievance.

If there is nothing to do with his emperor brother, there is even less possibility for the queen mother.

Then let alone a chance between her and Ye Li...

"Brother emperor... Then if it doesn't work, you will give Yeli a part-time official... As long as you have a word, it doesn't matter..." An Le looked at the emperor pleadingly.

"Senior official? How old?

If nothing was done, it would be unreasonable for me to suddenly give a high official, and others would have opinions.

But if you just give a small official, it won't have the slightest effect! Can the queen be seen as a small official? "

Although what the emperor said was the truth, it was another matter to hear the emperor tell the truth.

Anle has a gloomy face, a little sullen, and really don't know what to do.


"But what?" An Le eagerly asked.

"But I think this Ye Gongzi is quite capable. If he can serve the country, he will definitely do something!

If something can be done, it will not be difficult for me to slowly promote him. "

After listening to the emperor's words, An Le's heart suddenly rekindled hope.

"Yeah, yeah, brother emperor, Ye Gongzi's kung fu is amazing!

If the emperor brother can let him serve the court, he will definitely be able to make contributions! "An Le began to look forward to it.

People like Ye Li shouldn't be ordinary!

I hope his emperor brother can really use Ye Li.

The emperor hooked his mouth helplessly, "But Ye Gongzi didn't mean that!

If he is willing, I am also very happy to use such talents! "

"This..." An Le frowned, thinking for a while, "Emperor brother, people will visit the thatched cottage, you can do it too! As long as you insist, Ye Gongzi should accept you!"

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