Valencia- "what floor you'll to go to, I'll let you off first". Valencia turned her head while still holding the door of the elevator. They were still shocked of, when Valencia jumped down from so far up. Instead Luke answered for them "first, third, fourth, and sixth floors". Right now they are on the highest floor of the building, which is the 18th floor. They decided to start from the sixth and down. The elevator went pretty fast so there was no rush.

The floors For classes are arranged from average to elite. There would be an group of elites for each grade, they are picked out by the higher ups. These people have special privileges if they join the group. The other students weren't surprised to see the two kids in the elite group. Valencia was in the 8th grade elite group, she is the top of them all. Who ever was on the top will be the leader. And Luke was the leader for the 3rd grade elite group. By how they know their in the elite group is by, one day you'll get a letter from the schools higher up that you've been chosen. The leader of the group is like the principal of their grade level. Because of this the principaldon't do anything. the group has from 10 to 1. Mostly the groups will have 7 members.

They made it to floor 6, Luke was the one to be dropped of first. To be a 3rd grader on the 6th floor was pretty great. Luke got of the elevator and looked back to talk to his sister. "Thanks for taking me to my floor even though you need to go to the 10th floor". Luke's friends were surprised to hear a person next to them was so smart. "And you three don't you lay a finger on my big sister!!" He glared at them, warning them. He looked back at Valencia to say something but she said something before. "It's alright, the only thing I care about is my little brother being so smart" she rubbed his head smiling at him. She started to tell him to shoo.

Valencia dropped down the rest of the kids. Then went to the 10th floor. She had tech. Apps next. And the the thing repeated agin. To tech, band language arts, and elite class. In the elite class the started to discuss to announce the leader of all grades. They decided to say it tomorrow.

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